- Monographs and manuals
- Proceedings of conferences and seminars
- Adaptive Landscape Management for New World (Dis-)Order
- Soil science in the 21st century: modern challenges and development strategy. 21st-23rd, 2023
- International scientific-practical online conference “Constructive geography and cartography: status, problems, prospects” (Lviv, October 1-3, 2020)
- Home
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- Research areas
- National Programs
- Theoretical and methodical bases of creation of the complex atlas of Ukraine – Military Geopolitical Atlas of Ukraine
- Tourist-recreational potential of Lviv region
- Balanced nature management within the united territorial communities of the Western region of Ukraine
- Soil and land resources of the Carpathian region of Ukraine and their investment attractiveness
- Natural and anthropogenically transformed geosystems of the Western region of Ukraine, their functioning and ecological condition
- Evolution, structure, dynamics and optimization of geocomplexes of the Ukrainian Carpathians and the Western Ukrainian region
- Geographical problems of development of regions and cities of Ukraine
- International research projects
- Conferences
- International Scientific Conference “Geography, Economics, and Tourism: National and International Experience”
- Current state and prospects of geomorphology and paleogeography development in Ukraine. 2020
- Natural resources of the region: problems of use, revitalization and protection. 2018
- Problems of landscape science in the context of the strategy of sustainable development and the European Landscape Convention. 2017
- Geographical science and practice: challenges of the era. 2013
- State and prospects of development of constructive geography. 2010
- Natural complexes and ecosystems of the upper Prut River: functioning, monitoring, protection. 2009
- Research Workshops
- Publications
- Career
- PhD Program
- Current Students
- Pre-university training
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- International Students
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- Sitemap
- Department of Constructive Geography and Cartography
- Department of Economic and Social Geography
- Department of Geoecology and Physical Geography
- Department of Geography of Ukraine
- Department of Geomorphology and Paleogeography
- Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business and Food Technologies
- Department of Pedology and Soil Geography
- Department of Rational Use of Natural Resources and Nature Protection
- Department of Tourism
- Chornohora Geostation
- Dniester Geographical Station
- Educational-Training Laboratory “Educational Tourist Agency”
- Geodesic and Cartographic Unit
- Geography Map Library
- Laboratory for Landscape Security
- Laboratory for Soils and Natural Waters Analysis
- Laboratory of Atlas and Thematic Mapping
- Laboratory of Food Technologies and Restaurant Services
- Laboratory of Geo-Information Modeling and Cartography
- Laboratory of Geo-Information Technologies and Landscape Planning
- Laboratory of Methods of Teaching Geography and Economics in Secondary School
- Roztochchia Station for Research in Landscape and Geophysics
- Scientific Research Laboratory of Engineering-Geographical, Nature Conservation and Tourism Studies
- Shatsk Station for Research in Biology and Geography
- Anastasia Shevtsova
- Yurii Andreichuk
- Andrii Mykhnovych
- Oleg Babich
- Andrii Baitsar
- Galyna Bayrak
- Lyubomyr Bezruchko
- Olha Bilaniuk
- Volodymyr Bilanyuk
- Myroslav Biletsky
- Svitlana Blahodyr
- Nataliia Blazhko
- Andriy Bogucki
- Bohdan Yaworskyy
- Eugenia Bolyuh
- Miroslav Bomba
- Oksana Bonishko
- Oresta Bordun
- Yuriy Borsuk
- Iryna Bukhta
- Bun V. V.
- Olesya Buryanyk
- Vasyl Chalyk
- Roman Dmytruk
- Myroslav Dnistrianskyi
- Dnistryanska Iryna
- Yuliya Dorosh
- Marine Elbakidze
- Mariya Filʹ
- Firman V. M.
- Galina Brigilevich
- Grygoriy Shamborovskyi
- Halaiko Maria
- Halyna Savka
- Halyna Vuzhynska
- Mykhailo Hamkalo
- Nataliia Hanych
- Volodymyr Haskevych
- Oksana Hataliak
- Roman Hhatiuk
- Ihor Hnatyak
- Halyna Hnatyshyn
- Pavlo Horishnyi
- Hrystyna Chopko
- Hrystyna Podvirna
- Anna Hrytsyshyn
- Iryna Hudzeliak
- Ihor Pandiak
- Ihor Rozhko
- Iryna Chaika
- Iryna Munkachiy
- Yaroslav Ivakh
- Ivan Kruhlov
- Ivan Sapsa
- Ivan Sivinskyi
- Myroslav Ivanyk
- Galina Ivanyuk
- Dmytro Kadnichanskyi
- Natalia Kasyanyuk
- Vitaliy Klyuynyk
- Mykhailo Kobelka
- Iryna Koinova
- Lubov Kotyk
- Anna Krasko
- Dariia Kruk
- Lyubov Kruk
- Diana Krychevska
- Semen Kukurudza
- Roman Kulachkovsʹkyy
- Liudmyla Kurhanevych
- Halyna Kushniruk
- Andrew Kyrylchuk
- Viktoriia Kyzyma
- Halyna Labinska
- Mariia Lavruk
- Nadiya lemega
- Lidiia Dubis
- Lidiya Galyanta
- Lyudmyla Kostiv
- Svitlana Maikova
- Anna Makogin
- Oleksandra Maksymets
- Stepan Malyk
- Lina Malyuga
- Olha Mamchur
- Nazarii Mandiuk
- Andrii Manko
- Maria Homynec’
- Mariana Teslovych
- Mariia Lopushanska
- Marta Malska
- Volodymyr Matviiv
- Lily Maznyk-Lishchynska
- Volodymyr Monastyrskyy
- Vladislav Morgatsky
- Maksym Mysak
- Yury Nakonechny
- Nalivayko N. V.
- Natalia Gnativ
- Nataliya Yefimchuk
- Nazar Vanyo
- Mykola Nazaruk
- Olʹha Oblohina
- Oleh Shabliy
- Oleksandr Kostyuk
- Oleksandr YAKOVINICH
- Olena Kalinich
- Olesya Pshyk
- Olga Masliychuk
- Halyna Ostrovskaya
- Oksana Paniv
- Nataliia Pankiv
- Igor Papish
- Maria Pelekh
- Oksana Perhach
- Iryna Petlin
- Myroslava Petrovska
- Оleh Prodanyuk
- Iryna Prytula
- Iryna Purska
- Olha Pylypovych
- Roman Lozynskyi
- Roman Lozynskyi
- Roman Malyk
- Pavlo Romaniv
- Ivan Rovenchak
- Leonid Rudkovsʹkyy
- Nazar Rybak
- Schultz Svitlana
- Roman Semashchuk
- Bohdana Senchyna
- Oksana Shevchuk
- Rehina Shtoiko
- Pavlo Shuber
- Volodymyr Shushniak
- Natalia Skabara
- Oksana Skliarska
- Anatoliy Smaliychuk
- Hanna Smaliychuk
- Stepan Kravtsiv
- Stepan Pozniak
- Oksana Stetsiuk
- Vasyl Stetskyi
- Svyatoslav Zyuzin
- Taras Zavadovskyy
- Alex Telehuz
- Pavlo Telish
- Olena Tomeniuk
- Olga Tsymbala
- Yevhen Tykhanovych
- Ivanna Udud
- Vitalii Brusak
- Vitaliy Scherba
- Olga Vivcharuk
- Myroslava Vlakh
- Petro Voitkiv
- Volodymyr Zagriychuk
- Taras Yamelynets
- Viacheslav Yarmolovych
- Yaroslav Borys
- Yaroslav Kravchuk
- Yaroslav Vitvitsky
- Andrii Yatsyshyn
- Andriana Yavorska
- Yevhen Ivanov
- Iryna Zhuk (Lesyk)
- Yurii Zhuk
- Yuriy Zinko
- Zinovy Pankiv
- Zlata Login
- Andrii Zubyk
- Zynoviia Mytsko
- Григорій Шамборовський
Навчальні курси
- Active Tourism
- Adaptation to Climate Change
- Advertising in the hotel and restaurant business
- Alternative Energy
- Assessment of lands and soils
- Balanced nature management 101
- Balanced nature management 183
- Basics of hospitality
- Basics of social geography
- Basics of the scientific research 241
- Basics of the scientific research 242
- Basics of urban planning
- Business Economics (241)
- Business Economics (242)
- Business ethics in the hospitality industry
- Castle tourism
- Chemistry of Earth spheres
- Concepts of development of cultural and cognitive tourism
- Corporate Management in Tourism (in English)
- Course work (014, 3rd year, economic geography)
- Culinary ethnology
- Culinary Trends and Gastronomy
- Digital photography
- Ecology
- Educational introductory practice
- Environmental Management System and Audit
- Extreme types of tourism
- Food Chemistry
- Fundamentals of biogeography
- Fundamentals of tourism 242
- General and historical geography
- Geoculture and geoeducation of Ukraine
- Geography of Lviv
- Geography of population with basics of demography
- Global cities
- History and geography of football
- History of geography studies
- Hospitality Activities
- Hotel and Restaurant Economy of Ukraine
- Hydrology
- Insurance in tourism
- International Cooperation in Ecology
- Internship
- Land resources management (103)
- Landmarks of the Earth
- Landscape studies
- Management in tourism
- Management of Organizations
- Market of tourist services
- Marketing
- Marketing of Hotel and Restaurant Business
- Master’s seminar
- Master’s seminar
- Meteorology and Climatology
- Methods of complex physical and geographical research
- Methods of geo-ecological research
- Methods of geomorphological research
- Methods of teaching economic and social geography of foreign countries
- Methods of teaching physical geography
- Methods of tour development (MTD)
- Metrology and regulation of environmental quality
- Metrology, standardization, certification and accreditation
- Military-event tourism (MET), organization of military-historical tours
- Modern geographical education and science
- Monitoring of the world market of tourist services
- Natural resources and recreational complexes of the world
- Organization of restaurant business 241
- Organization of transport services for tourists
- Physical geography of continents and oceans
- Physical geography of Ukraine
- Physical training (106)
- Physics
- Physiology of nutrition
- PR and e-marketing in the hospitality industry
- Problems of waste management
- Production (undergraduate) practice
- Quality assessment of soils (103)
- Regional economic and social geography
- Regional physical geography
- Regulatory monetary valuation of land
- Religious tourism and pilgrimage
- Research Methods in Earth Sciences
- Scholarly and Business Communication
- Social geography of Ukraine
- Soil Cartography
- Soil classification and land typification
- Soil Erosion Studies
- Soil Evolution and Forecasting
- Soil morphology (103)
- Soil protection and restoration technologies
- Soil science
- Soils geography and bases of soils studies (106)
- Soils of the world
- Spatial development management
- Strategic marketing in tourism
- Structural and Climatic Geomorphology
- The art of advertising
- Tour processing
- Tourismology
- Tourist and resource potential of the territory
- Tourist local lore
- Tourist Local Lore
- Urban Tourism
- World hotel and restaurant industry
- “Virtual visit to the parks of Pennsylvania State University” ONLINE SEMINAR
- A scientific seminar of the Department of Economic and Social Geography was held
- Andrii Baitsar’s monograph “Ukraine and Ukrainians on European ethnographic maps” was published
- Annotated index of scientific, educational and educational-methodical works of the department “Soil Science and Soil Geography” was published in June 2022
- April 21, 2021 will be an open lecture by Associate Professor of Physical Geography Volodymyr Matviiv on “Entertainment and business recreational activities”
- Assistant professors of the Faculty of Geography, Olena Tomenyuk and Olga Mamchur, talked about the figure of Professor Yuriy Polyanskyi on the live Radio Nezalezhnist
- Assoc. Prof. of the Tourism Department Olga Bilanyuk completed the Educational training “Improving teaching in higher education: institutional and individual dimensions”
- Associate Professor of Tourism Klapchuk Mykhailo took part in an online presentation from WTTC
- Associate Professor Olga Mamchur completed International Advanced Training
- Certificate of thanks to Zavadovskyy T.B. for organizing excursions for schoolchildren
- Collective monographic work “National Security of Ukraine in the Challenges of Modern History” was awarded a diploma of the National Academy of Higher Education Sciences of Ukraine for first place in the nomination “Monographs”
- Congratulations from the teaching staff of the Department of Tourism on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of the Department’s foundation
- Continuation and intensification of the cooperation within the area of the countries and nations of the Europe of the Carpathians
- Department of Geomorphology and Paleogeography will сelebrete 70 years since foundation
- Department of Tourism – 18 years!
- Department of Tourism at the conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Department of Geomorphology and Paleogeography
- Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor Yevhen Ivanov was awarded the medal named after St. Volodymyr of the National Academy of Higher Education Sciences of Ukraine
- Ecoweek in geography faculty
- Field scientific workshop on the study of palaeo-permafrost processes as a result of the implementation of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine grant
- First year students of the specialty “Tourism” visited Lviv International Airport Danylo Halytskyi
- For the first time, an urban practice was held at the faculty for students studying at the educational and professional program “Urban Studies, Spatial Planning and Regional Development”
- Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
- Juggling a successful business, children, a teaching job and a degree: meet Viktoria from Lviv
- Junior academy of science of Ukraine, Lviv section, before the III Stage of All-Ukrainian Research Paper Defense Competition among the Student-members of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- Kateryna Khomenko is a prize-winner of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in geography
- Lecture for students of Educational Program “Soil Science and Expert Evaluation of Lands”
- Lecturers of the Department of Tourism participated in the discussion of training prospects for the tourism industry in Lviv region
- Lidiia Dubis awarded the medal named after Yaroslava Mudrogo of the National Academy of Higher Education Sciences of Ukraine
- Meeting of students of the educational program “Urban Studies, Spatial Planning and Regional Development” with representatives of the City Institute in Lviv
- Meeting with expert on questions of sustainable consumption and production of the European office
- On September 15, an educational excursion “The role of public spaces in the development of the settlement” was held for students-geographers of GRPh-31s
- On September 25– 28, 2024, the Department of Geoecology and Physical Geography of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv will hold an international conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of its foundation
- Online classes with presentation of business plans for the tourism industry
- Online meeting of students of the Department of Tourism with the head of the PR-department of the Holding of emotions «! FEST»
- Online seminar-meeting of students of the Department of Tourism with independent financial advisor Galina Trityak
- Oresta Bordun, associate professor of the Department of Tourism, completed her studies at the School of Leadership. University Management 2.0″
- Oresta Bordun, Associate Professor, took part at the DAAD DIES Scholarship
- Participation of a graduate of the Tourism Department in a charity marathon in support of Ukraine
- Participation of associate professor of the Department of Geography of Ukraine Andrii Zubyk in an international remote scientific and pedagogical internship
- Participation of employees of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business and Food Technology in the webinar“Successful Accreditation Of The Educational Program: Current Problems And Solutions”
- Participation of representatives of the Department of Geography of Ukraine in the “Autumn School of Urban Studies”
- Participation of representatives of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business and Food Technologies in the online conference “Organic Day in Ukraine”
- Participation of students of the Department of Tourism in the EU Career DAY 2020
- Participation of teachers of the Department of Pedology and Soil Geography in the webinar “Successful Accreditation Of The Educational Program: Current Problems And Solutions”
- Participation of the Head of the Department of Geography of Ukraine in the plenary session of the Regional Spatial Planning Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- Participation of urban planning students in the European Mobility Week
- Presentation of internship vacancies in Bulgaria for students of the Faculty of Geography
- Presentation of vacancies for internships of students of the tourism department from the representatives of the international tourist operator
- Professor of Pedology and Soil Geography Department Andrew Kyrylchuk – a participant in the scientific and pedagogical internship under the international program “Society of Ambient Intelligence”
- Program of the Reporting Conference 2021
- Remote work Examination Commission №3 at the Faculty of Geography
- Scientific and methodical seminar on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the Department of Tourism
- Scientific internship of professors of Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University
- Soil science in the 21st century: modern challenges and development strategy. 21st-23rd, 2023
- Sponsorship for the development of the scientific laboratory «Hotel and restaurant business»
- Students of the Department of Geography of Ukraine took part in the European Mobility Week
- Students of the Department of Geography of Ukraine visited Lviv Open Lab and got acquainted with the functioning of the youth space
- Survey of first-year male and female students who have chosen to study the OPP “Urbanism, Spatial Planning and Regional Development”
- Teachers of the Tourism Department took part in the online webinar “Climatic Strategy Of Hospitality Establishments. Realities And Prospects In Ukraine”
- Textbook “General Hydrology” – “The best textbook of natural sciences 2019-2020”
- Thanks to prof. M. Malska for the contribution to the development of the idea of the Europe of the Carpathians from the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Mr. Marek Kuchcinski
- The book “Geography and cartography of Vynnyky land” was published
- The dedication of third-year students to the ranks of the Department of Geography of Ukraine took place
- The educational and scientific Laboratory for Soils and Natural Waters Analysis received the Certificate of compliance of the measurement management system
- The Extraordinary Centennial International Geographical Congress will be held on July 8-22, 2022
- The intellectual tournament “What? Where? When?” among students of the Department of Geography of Ukraine took place
- The International Scientific and Practical Conference “GEOGRAPHICAL EDUCATION AND SCIENCE: CHALLENGES AND ADVANCEMENT” will be held on May 18–20, 2023
- The lecturers of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business and Food Technologies took part in the project on the development of cooperation between business and education “Uni-Biz Bridge”
- The Memorial Day of the Hero of the Heavenly Hundred by Ihor Kostenko
- The monograph “Aggravation of geopolitical relations in the postmodern period and the situation of Ukraine” by professor of the Department of Geography of Ukraine Myroslav Dnistryanskyi was published
- The monograph “Topoclimates of the Chornogora” was published
- The plan for the implementation of international environmental projects was presented by Prof. Department of Pedology and Soil Geography Taras Yamelynets
- The teachers of the Tourism Department took part in a webinar on working with digital tools from Google
- Urban Geographer Library for teaching students of the educational program “Urban Studies, Spatial Planning and Regional Development”
- Winter school of active tourism
- Winter tour to Hoverla
- Word Soil Day