Olga Vivcharuk
Посада: Доцент, Hotel and Restaurant Business and Food Technologies Department
Науковий ступінь: кандидат економічних наук
Вчене звання: доцент
Телефон (робочий): 380-09-724-608-99
Електронна пошта: olha.vivcharuk@lnu.edu.ua
Профіль у Google Scholar: scholar.google.com
Наукові інтереси
- theory of hospitality in restaurant industry institutions;
- restaurant industry organization;
- innovations in the restaurant industry of Ukraine and the world.
- Oleksii Prokhorenko, Olga Martyn, Olga Vivcharuk, Mykola Zos-Kior, Iryna Hnatenko /«Models of state clustering management, marketing and labor market management in the context of globalization, bankruptcy risk and services market development» , Міжнародний журнал компютерних наук і мереживої безпеки,2021,21(12),228-234. https://doi.org/10.22937/IJCSNS.2021.12.34 (Scopus)
- Vivcharuk O.Influence of the direct foreign investment on the sustainable development of regional economy/Vivcharuk O.,Vasylchak S., Dubyna M., Solovii S.// Influence of the Direct Foreign Investment on the Sustainable Development of Regional Economy (MULTILANGUAGE SCIENCE JOURNAL) –2018.-№11(29).- С.6-12.
manager-economist, engineer-technologist, Ph.D. in Economics, Assoc. Prof. (Mechanisms of management of innovative development of public catering enterprises, 2013).
Kyiv University of Trade and Economics graduate (1998), Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law graduate (2004). Senior lecturer (1996-2019) , since 1997 methodologist of Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism (LIET), since 2008 senior methodologist of LIET, since 2019 Assoc. Prof. of Food Technology and Restaurant Business Department of LIET. Author of more than 50 scientific, educational and methodical works.
- European Open Science Space, took past in the 1st International and Practical Conference Innovative Solutions in Science: Balancing Theory and Practice, 2024
- European Open Science Space, took past in the 1st International and Practical Conference New Horizons in Scientific Research: Challenges and Solutions, 2024
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