National Programs

State budget projects and grants

0122U200060, “Prospects for the development of tourism in the Western region of Ukraine in the context of the modern administrative and territorial system”

Науковий керівник – prof. Marta Malska
Термін виконання: 01.01.2022 – 31.12.2024

0120U102409, “Strategies for hotel and restaurant business development in conditions of uncertainty”

Науковий керівник – docent Ihor Pandiak
Термін виконання: 01.01.2022 – 31.12.2024

“Modeling of forest landscape management strategies of the Carpathians according to climate change scenarios”

Supervisor – docent Kruglov I.S.
Deadline: 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2022

2018-2021. “Ecosystem adaptation to climate change in biosphere reserves of Ukraine”

 Supervisor – docent Kruglov I.S.
Deadline: 01.01.2018 – 31.12.2021

“Theoretical and methodical bases of creation of “Military-political atlas of Ukraine”

Supervisor – prof. Shabliy O.I.
Deadline: 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2022

0120U102606 “Balanced nature management within the united territorial communities (UTC) of the Western region of Ukraine”

 Supervisor – prof. Nazaruk M.M.
Deadline: 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2022

0120U102542 “Soil and land resources of the Carpathian region of Ukraine and their investment attractiveness”

Supervisor – prof. Pankiv Z.P.
Deadline: 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2022

0120U102409 “Natural and anthropogenically transformed geosystems of the Western region of Ukraine, their functioning and ecological condition”

 Supervisor -docent Ivanov E.A.
Deadline: 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2022

0120U102441 “Geographical problems of development of regions and cities of Ukraine”

Supervisor – prof. Lozynsky R.M.
Deadline: 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2022

0118U000594 “Evolution, structure, dynamics and optimization of geocomplexes of the Ukrainian Carpathians and the Western Ukrainian region”

 Supervisors – docent Kruglov I.S., prof. Melnik A.V.
Deadline: 01.01.2018 – 31.12.2020

0120U102411 “Morphodynamic processes of the western region of Ukraine: development and ecological risks”

Scientific adviser – prof. Dubis L.F.
Deadline: 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2022

0119U002411 “Tourist and recreational potential of Lviv region”

Scientific adviser – prof. Malska M.P.
Deadline: 01.01.2019 – 31.12.2021

0110U004075 “Optimization of spatial and structural organization of tourist infrastructure of the Carpathian region of Ukraine”

Supervisor – prof. Malska M.P.
Deadline: 01.01.2019 – 31.12.2021

0117U001227 “Concepts of evolution of fluvial and aeolian morpholitogenesis and their application for preservation of geoheritage and geotourism”

Supervisor – prof. Bogutsky A.B.
Deadline: 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2019

117U001400 “Human and natural potential of the western Ukrainian border as a factor of national security”

Supervisor – prof. Shabliy O.I.
Deadline: 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2019

0117U001388 “Ecological and geographical approaches to solving regional and local problems of nature management in the context of sustainable development”

Supervisor – prof. Kukurudza S.I.
Deadline: 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2019

117U001307 “Theoretical and methodological bases of soil-geographical zoning”

Supervisor – prof. Poznyak S.P.
Deadline: 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2019

0111U003355 “Optimization of natural economic systems of the western region of Ukraine in order to ensure its sustainable development”

Supervisor – docent Ivanov E.A.
Deadline: 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2019

0111008005 “Priorities of spatial development of Ukraine in the context of modern social changes”

Supervisor: prof. Lozynsky R.M.
Deadline: 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2019

0117U000899 “Relief of the western region of Ukraine: genesis, dynamics and geodiversity”

Supervisor – prof. Kravchuk Y. S.
Deadline 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2019

VG-03P “Soil-geographical zoning of Ukraine”

Supervisor: prof. Poznyak S.P.
Deadline: 01.01.2015 – 31.12.2016

Vh142F “The geodiversity of the Upper and Middle Trans-Dniester region: structural and spatial analysis, estimation and use of geoheritage”

Supervisors: candidate of geographical sciences., professor Ya. S. Kravchuk,
candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor Bohutskyi A.B.
Deadline: 2013-2015,
the number of state registration SR 0113U003048. Performers: full-times taff – 3, including 2 candidates of sciences, by-workers – 6, including 4 candidates of sciences.
During the implementation of the topic, a catalog of  objects of the geoheritage was created, their scientific and informational support, and proposals for conservation were substantiated. Planning schemes of forms of territorial protection of geodiversity (geoparks, geoscancens, documentation centers, nature monuments) and  geoconditions for the formation of the Dniester ecocorridor have been developed. Field geological and geomorphological studies in a number of regions of theUpper and Middle Pridnestry were carried out.

VS-143 F “Natural and socio-geographical potentialas a factor in overcoming the recession of socio-economic development (on materials of the Carpathian region of Ukraine)”

Supervisor – Doctor of geographical sciences, professor O. I. Shabliy,
state registration number 0113U003049,
term of implementation- 2013-2015. Performers: full-time staff – 2; by-workers- 17, among them: Doctors of Sciences – 2; Candidates of Sciences – 12; post-graduate students – 1, students- 1.
In the course of the project implementation the natural conditions of  L’viv and the region was highlighted. The influence of the natural environment and natural conditions of L’viv city and villages of  L’viv region on their development was substantiated. The level of provision of population of oblast significancecities and administrative regions of Lviv oblast with land, forest, peat and water resources, as well as lands of agricultural purpose was estimated. The geoecological analysis of administrative territorial units (on the example of Brody district of L’viv region) was conducted. Geoinformation cartographic technologies of historical and geographical research of the Western region of Ukraine were offered. The territorial transformation of the agrarian sphere in the context of food security  of L’viv oblast and overcoming there cession of socio-economic development  were highlighted. The features of air temperature dynamics in Chornohory geocomplexes in hot anti cyclonal weather and topoclimatic peculiarities of the drive line surfaces of the Chornohory mountain  range were determined. The main environmental threats to the stability of the natural complexes of the Chornohora massif of the Ukrainian Carpathians were substantiated. The parameters of evaporation in Ukrainian Rostochсchia were investigated. The historical and demographic background of the development of nostalgic tourism on the territory  of the Yavoriv military field and the tendencies of the development of shop tourisminUkraine were highlighted. The tendencies of recreational sphere development and problem so frational use of natural resources in the Carpathian region of Ukraine were noted. The historical and geographical preconditions for investmentin to the Galicia economy in the second half of the nineteen than dearly twentieth centuries and the conceptual foundations of the investment activity of the region were highlighted. The directions of reindustrialization of the economy of the downstream administrative districts (on the example of Zhydachiv district of the L’viv region) were substantiated. One of the topical problems of the present was noted – metrization of the natural environment. The achievements and problems of the project “Complex atlas of Lviv” were described.

VH-03P “Soil and geographical zoning of Ukraine”

Supervisor:  doctor of geographical sciences, professor S.P. Pozniak,
the term of implementation- 2015-2016.
Prospective plan:
The development of the method of all ocating taxonomic units of soil and geographic zoning, which will include the characteristics of a comprehensive approach of soil geographic zoning and the analysis of natural-territorial components. The development of the Digital cartographic GIS-materials of model areas with all ocated taxonomic units of soil geographic zoning. Publication of 1 monograph. Publication of 1 article in the edition which is included in the international science-computer data bases, 8 – in the professional editions of Ukraine. Defense of 1 candidate’s dissertation. Annotated report.