Bachelor. Admission to study

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Geography



(term of study 3 years and 10 months)

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Speciality 014.07 – Secondary education

Educational program: Secondary education (Geography)

Licensed volume: 175 – full-time study and 25 – part-time study.

The list of competitive subjects in the certificate of Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment (UCEQA): 1. Ukrainian language and literature; 2. Geography; 3. History of Ukraine or Mathematics, or a foreign language, or Biology, or Physics, or Chemistry.

Qualification: Bachelor of Education (Geography). Geography teacher.


Speciality 101 – Ecology

Educational program:  Applied Ecology

Licensed volume: 50 – full-time study.

The list of competitive subjects in the certificate of UCEQA: 1. Ukrainian language; 2. Biology; 3. Geography or History of Ukraine, or Mathematics, or a foreign language, or Physics, or Chemistry.

Qualification: Bachelor of Ecology. Specialist in applied ecology.


Specialty 103 – Earth Sciences

Educational program: Soil science and expert assessment of lands

Licensed volume: 35 – full-time study.

The list of competitive subjects in the certificate of UCEQA : 1. Ukrainian language; 2 Mathematics; 3 History of Ukraine or a foreign language, or Biology, or Geography, or Physics, or Chemistry.

Qualification: Bachelor of Earth Sciences. Specialist in soil science and land evaluation.


Specialty 106 – Geography

Educational program: Geography

Licensed volume: 120 – full-time study.

The list of competitive subjects in the certificate of UCEQA: 1. Ukrainian language; 2. Geography; 3. History of Ukraine or Mathematics, or a foreign language, or Biology, or Physics, or Chemistry.

Qualification: Bachelor of Geography.


Specialty 106 – Geography

Educational program: Urbanism, spatial planning and regional development

Licensed volume: 30 – full-time study.

The list of competitive subjects in the certificate of UCEQA: 1. Ukrainian language; 2. Geography; 3. History of Ukraine or Mathematics, or a foreign language, or Biology, or Physics, or Chemistry.

Qualification: Bachelor of Geography. Specialist in urbanism, spatial planning and regional development.


Specialty 181 – Food technology

Educational program: Food Technology

Licensed volume: 50 – full-time study and 25 – part-time study.

The list of competitive subjects in the certificate of UCEQA: 1. Ukrainian language; 2. Mathematics; 3. Geography or History of Ukraine, or a foreign language, or Biology, or Physics, or Chemistry.

Qualification: Bachelor of food technology in the restaurant business.


Specialty 241 – Hotel and restaurant business

Educational program: Hotel and restaurant business

Licensed volume: 85 –full-time study and 15 – part-time study.

The list of competitive subjects in the certificate of UCEQA: 1. Ukrainian language and literature; 2. Foreign language; 3. Geography or History of Ukraine, or Mathematics, or Biology, or Physics, or Chemistry.

Qualification: Bachelor of hotel and restaurant Business.


Specialty 242 – Tourism

Educational program: Tourism

Licensed volume: 170 – full-time study and 30 – part-time study.

The list of competitive subjects in the certificate of UCEQA: 1. Ukrainian language and literature; 2. Foreign language; 3. Geography or History of Ukraine, or Mathematics, or Biology, or Physics, or Chemistry.

Qualification: Bachelor of Tourism. Specialist in tourist activity.



  • in specialties 014.07 “Secondary education (Geography)”, 101 “Ecology”, 103 “Earth Sciences”, 106 “Geography”, 241 “Hotel and restaurant business”, 242 “Tourism”, 181 “Food technologies” (according to the results of External Independent Evaluation (ZNO) PDF
  • on the basis of the educational qualification levels of junior specialist and junior bachelor (for the 2ndor 3rdyears of study)PDF


Learning from professionals. Internships in laboratories, specialized institutions and establishments. Academic mobility programs and internships abroad. Learning to travel and learning while traveling. Participation in student self-government. Choice of classes by interest. Self- realization outside the learning process. Joining the All-Ukrainian geographical community.