Roman Lozynskyi
Посада: завідувач, Geography of Ukraine Department
Науковий ступінь: доктор географічних наук
Вчене звання: професор
Телефон (робочий): 380-32-239-41-84
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Наукові інтереси
- human geography;
- urban planning;
- spatial planning;
- tourism;
- history of geography;
- history of education;
- language geography;
- ethnogeography.
Publications included in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science
- Lozynskyy, R., Slyvka, R., Pantyley, V., & Braychevskyy , Y. (2023). The territorial exchange between Poland and the USSR in 1951: demographic development and settlement network transformation over a 70-year period. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-Economic Series, (59), 69–81.
- Nowak, M.; Petrisor, A.-I.; Mitrea, A.; Kovács, K.F.; Lukstina,G.; Jürgenson, E.; Ladzianska, Z.; Simeonova, V.; Lozyskyy, R.; Rezac,V.; et al. The Role of Spatial Plans Adopted at the Local Level in the Spatial Planning Systems of Central and Eastern European Countries. Land 2022, 11, 1599.
- Lozynskyy, R. and Zubyk, A. (2022). Transformation of the Rural Settlement Network in the Carpathian Region of Ukraine (1989–2020). European Countryside, 14 (2), 281–301. DOI:
- Lozynskyy, R. Pantyley, V. and Sawicka, A. (2021). The smart city concept in Poland and Ukraine: in search of cooperation opportunities. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series. 52(52): 95–109. DOI:
- Lozynskyy R., Hrymak O., Kushnir L., Terletska O. and Vovk M. (2021). City size and functional specialization as factors of smart management: A case of Lviv Oblast, Ukraine. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 19(2), 384–397. DOI.
- Lozynskyy, R., & Kushniruk, H. (2020). Dynamics and geographical structure of inbound tourism in political transit countries: case of Ukraine. Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology, 29(2), 335–350. DOI: I:
112030 - Pantyley V. Twenty-five Years of Independent Ukraine: Is there a Way to Sustainable Healthy Development? / Viktoriya Pantyley, Roman Lozynskyy, Roman Slyvka // Problemy ekorozwoju. – Problems of Sustainable Development. – Vol. 12 (2017). – No 2. – 143–160.
- Modern trends in the development of the geography of Ukraine: Monograph / [in general, edited by Prof. R.M. Lozynskyi]. – Lviv, 2022. – 367 p.
- Lozynskyi R. M. The language situation in Ukraine (a socio-geographic perspective): monogr. / Roman Lozynskyi. – Lviv:Ivan Franko National University Ed. center, 2008. – 502 p.
- Lozynskyi R.M. Ethnic composition of the population of Lviv (in the context of the social development of Galicia): monogr. / Roman Lozynskyi. – Lviv:Ivan Franko National University Ed. center, 2005. – 358 p.
Chapters in collective monographs
- Lozynskyy R. Territorial marketing and branding of tourist cities of Ukraine (on the example of Kamyanets-Podilsky, Khmelnytskyi Region) / R. Lozynskyy, L. Kushnir, D. Dobroselska) // Trends, Prospects and Challenges of Sustainable Tourism Development : monograph / Ed. by Marta Barna. – Lviv : Lviv University of Trade and Economics, 2020. – P. 125–139.
- Andrzej Urbański А. Pradzieje i okres średniowieczna / Andrzej Urbański, Roman Lozynskyi // Roztocze przyroda i człowiek: Red. nauk. T. Grabowski, M. Harasimiuk, B. M. Kaszewski i in. – Dzieje Roztocza. – Zwierzyniec, 2015. – S. 279–287.
- Lozynskyy R. Territorial and ethnic identity. Issues in the Zakarpattia Region / Roman Lozynskyy // Territories and identities in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Scient. editor: Valentin Mihaylov. – Częstochowa: Instytut Geopolityki, 2014. – S. 340–355.
- Lozynskyy R. Border issues in the Post-Soviet States: the case of Ukraine – Genesis and Factors / Roman Lozynskyy, Viktoriya Pantyley // Border Conflicts in the Contemporary World. – Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Press, 2014. – P. 243–253.
- Łożyński R. Rola organizacji pozarządowych w rozwoju turystyki wiejskiej (na przykładzie Związku Pomocy Rozwojowi Zielonej Turystyki Wiejskiej na Ukrainie) / Roman Łożyński, Diana Dryglas // Rola organizacji pozarządowych w rozwoju i promocji turystyki : [monografia] / red. nauk. B. Sawicki, A. Nizioł, M. Obodyński. – Rzeszów : Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, 2012. – S. 364–374.
- Лозинський Р. М. Мовний склад населення України : [Карта] / Лозинський Р. М. // Заставний Ф. Д. Україна. Природа, населення, економіка / Федір Заставний. – Львів: Апріорі, 2011. – С. 240.
- Lozynsky R. Modern tendencies of the development of ethnolingustic situation in Ukraine / Roman Lozynsky // Geographical Aspects of Transformation Process in Central and East-Central Europe / T. Michalski (ed.). – Gdynia–Pelplin: Wyd-wo “Bernardinum”, 2006. – P. 103–109.
- Potencjał turystyczny Ukrainy Zachodniej / [red. nauk. Andrzej Jagusiewicz ; zespół aut. R. Szczeciński et al.] ; Instytut Turystyki w Warszawie. Narodowy Instytut im. Iwana Franko we Lwowie. Uniwersytet Turystyki, Gospodarki i Prawa w Kijowie. – Warszawa : Instytut Turystyki, 2005. – 263 s. ( P. 11–19, 21–32, 56–61, 105–109, 111–126, 183–196).
- Łopaciński K. Inwestycje turystyczne na Ukrainie Zachodniej / Łopaciński K., Łozinski R., Malska M., Zińko et al. – Warszawa, 2004. – 42 s.
Publications in Index Copernicus editions
- Nowak, M., Lozynskyy, R. and Pantyley, V. (2021). Local spatial policy in Ukraine and Poland. Studia z Polityki Publicznej / Public Policy Studies, Warsaw School of Economics, 8(3), November: 1–17. DOI:
- Лозинський Р. М. Андрій Філіпецький – професор поетики і географії львівської академії єзуїтів у 1753–1754 рр. (перша згадка про викладача географії у Львові). Scientific Collection “InterConf”, (95) : with the Proceedings of the 2 nd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Goals and Purposes in XXI Century” (January 19-20, 2022). Seattle, USA: ProQuest LLC, 2022. pp. 443–461. DOI:
- Клапчук, В.А., & Лозинский, Р. М. (2019). Торговые сети Львовской области. Журнал Белорусского государственного университета. География. Геология, 2, 52–
- Pantyley V. Stary problem nowej Ukrainy / Pantyley Victoria, Roman Lozynskyy // Niebieska linia. – Nr. 2 (85). – 2013. – 13–17.
- Lozyns’kyi R. The modern state of geographical studies on the problems of peripherality in Ukraine / Roman Lozyns’kyi // Barometr regionalny. Anializy i prognozy. – № 1 (27). – Zamość, 2012. – S. 7–12
Geographer, Prof. (2013), Dr. in Geography (Ethnolinguistic Geography of Ukraine, 2010)), Ph.D. in Geography (Ethnic composition of the urban population of Galicia (historical and geographical study), 2000.
The Faculty of Geography graduate with honor of Ivan Franko State University of Lviv (now Ivan Franko National University of Lviv) (1994), postgraduate (1997), doctoral studies graduate (2009). Archivist of the state municipal bureau of technical inventory and expert assessment of Lviv (1998–2000); chief specialist at the Department for Internal Policy of the Lviv Regional State Administration (2000–2002); lecturer (1999-2001), since 2001 Assist. Prof., since 2009 Head of the Department of Geography of Ukraine of the university. Author of more than 100 publications, including 2 individual monographs and 1 textbook.
Методичні матеріали
- Zubyk A. I., Lozynskyi R. M. Modern geographic education and science: educational and methodological guide for classroom and independent work of students / Lviv, 2022. 383 p.
- Lozinskyi R.M., Sklyarska O.I. Methodological recommendations for practical seminar tasks from the course “Geography of the population of Ukraine” / Lozinskyi R.M., Sklyarska O.I. – Lviv, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2013. – 26 p.
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