Yevhen Ivanov

Посада: завідувач, Constructive Geography and Cartography Department

Науковий ступінь: доктор географічних наук

Вчене звання: доцент

Телефон (робочий): 380-32-239-45-49

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Наукові інтереси

  • constructive geography;
  • landscape science;
  • landscape ecology;
  • geoecology;
  • hydroecology;
  • geoecological cartography and modeling;
  • GIS technologies.


Вибрані публікації


Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chairperson of Department of Constructive Geography and Cartography, Head of Lviv branch of Ukrainian.

Defended his PhD dissertation (Ecological and landscape analysis of mining areas (on the example of Lviv region), 2001), and Doctor of Sciences dissertation (Natural and economic systems of mining areas of the Western region of Ukraine: functioning, modeling, optimization, 2018.)

Graduated from Lviv university, Faculty of geography (1997), finished aspirantura (Postgraduate study) (2000) and doctorantura (Doctoral study) (2016).
In 2000–2002 – engineer, 2002–2004 – headperson of the educational laboratory of Geoinformation modeling and cartography, in 2003–10 – assistant (Assistant professor), in 2004–2018 – docent (Associate professor), from 2018 on – Chairperson of Department of Constructive Geography and Cartography.
In 2011–2014 and 2018–2019 – Vice-Dean of Faculty of Geography on education and scientific work.


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