Olha Mamchur

Посада: Доцент, Economic and Social Geography Department

Науковий ступінь: кандидат географічних наук

Вчене звання: доцент

Телефон (робочий): 380-32-239-46-57

Електронна пошта: Olga.Mamchur@lnu.edu.ua

Профіль у Google Scholar: scholar.google.com.ua

Профіль у Facebook: www.facebook.com

Наукові інтереси

  • regional economic and social geography;
  • geography of market infrastructure;
  • geography of world economy;
  • country studies.



  • Jauhiainen J. S., Mamchur O., Reimann M. Return migration of Ukrainians from the European Union to Ukraine, 2022–2024 / Turku, University of Turku, 2024. 128 р. ISBN 978-951-29-9787-9
  • Mamchur O., Vanda I., Shchudlyk V. Application of the project method in school Geography on the example of the Project “Ukraine’s role in food supply in Africa” // “Science and Technology Today” (Pedagogy Series). 2024. Issue 11 (39).
  • Cross-border resilience of critical transport infrastructure in Ukraine and impact on the economy and society (Workshop 5: held on 28 July 2023, Warsaw, Poland and online): White Paper. April 2024. P. 26.
  • Innovations in Geographical Education: educational and methodological guide for students of master educational program 014.07 “Secondary education (Geography).” – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2023. 72 p. (in English)
  • Mamchur O. I., Vanda I. V. (2022). The place of South Asia in the world economy: human-geographical, geo-economic and geopolitical aspects. Human Geography Journal. (V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University). Issue 32. P. 110-119.
  • Mamchur O. I., Lushchyk M. V. (2022). Opportunities for the development of dark tourism in Ukraine. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin. Series “Geology. Geography. Ecology”. Issue 57. P. 134-15.
  • Mamchur O. I., Lohin Z. R. (2022). Regional financial infrastructure centers as a form of geospatial organization of the financial sector. Professor Yuriy Polianskyi: From the Placors of Podillia to the Snowy Andes”: materials of the All-Ukrainian online seminar dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of geographer, geologist, archaeologist Yuriy Polianskyi (May 27-28, 2022). Ternopil: Vector, 2022. P. 108-115.
  • Mamchur O. I. (2022). Problems of natural resources usage and ecological safety in Human Geographical science and higher education. Environmental protection, use of natural resources and ensuring ecological safety: collection of materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference, (Zaporizhzhia, June 3, 2022). P. 206-210.
  • Mamchur O.I., Danchak S. (2022). The main features of urban and rural settlements of Stryy District in Lviv Region. Education and science of today: intersectoral issues and development of sciences. Collection of scientific works “ΛΌHOΣ”. P. 285-286.
  • Knysh M. M., Mamchur O. I., Vanda I. V. (2022). Regional Economic Regional and Social Geography of the World (Latin America and Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Oceania) [Educ. texbook]. 372 p.
  • Mamchur O. I., Vanda I. V. (2021). Geospatial features of economic globalization in South Asian countries. Geography and Tourism. Issue 66. P. 63-73
  • Knysh M., Mamchur O. (2021). Geospatial features of the economic globalization of the countries of the macroregion of Latin America and the Caribbean. Materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific online seminar “Public geography and cartography: scientific heritage and modern studies of Ukrainian studies” with the participation of foreign scientists (Lviv, May 20, 2021). P. 165 – 172.
  • Mamchur O.I., Markiv T. I. (2021). The countries of Southeast Asian macro-region in international world rankings: the importance of the method of typification and ranking of countries in school Human Geography. Six Sumy scientific geographical readings: collection of materials of science conference (Sumy, October 15-17, 2021). Issue 6. P. 195-200.
  • Knysh M. M., Mamchur O. I., Vanda I. V., Kotyk L. I. (2018). Interdisciplinarity in teaching the educational course “Regional economic and social geography of the world”. Geographical science and education: from observations on constructivism: coll. of science works. P. 219–221.
  • Mamchur O.I. (2019). Europe. The secondary sector of the economy [map]. Atlas “Geography 10th class: Regions and countries”. P. 6.
  • Mamchur O.I. (2019). Europe. The tertiary sector of the economy [map]. Atlas “Geography 10th grade: Regions and countries”. P. 7.
  • Mamchur O.I. (2019).   The secondary sector of the economy [map]. Atlas “Geography 10th class: Regions and countries”. P. 18.
  • Mamchur O.I. (2019). Asia. The tertiary sector of the economy [map]. Atlas “Geography 10th class: Regions and countries”. 19.
  • Mamchur O.I. (2019). America. The secondary sector of the economy [map]. Atlas “Geography 10th class: Regions and countries”. “Ukrainian cartographic group”, Vol. “Textbooks and manuals”, 2019. -p. 30.
  • Mamchur O. I., Kachmaryk Z. R. (2018). Financial infrastructure of the Western region of Ukraine: factors and human-geographical aspects. Geographical science and education: from ascertainment to constructivism: Collection. of science works. P. 151–153.
  • Vlakh M., Mamchur O. (2017). Geospatial concepts of “border”, “borderlands”, “transborderlands”: modernization of the meaning. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society. Uniwersytet Gdański. Issue 7 (2).  9–16.
  • Mamchur O. I. Vanda I. V., Kotyk L. I. (2016). Human-geographic disciplines: role in the formation of professional competences. Scientific notes of Volodymyr Hnatyuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University. Series: Geography. No. 1 (issue 40). 7381.
  • Mamchur O. I. (2014). The balance of foreign trade of the –Western region of Ukraine: human-geographical aspects. Ukraine and the World: human -geographic dimensions: coll. works of all Ukrainians. science and practice conf., dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko (Lviv, February 26–28, 2014). P. 403–412.
  • Mamchur O. I., Sidorova S. V. (2014). The latest economic typologies of countries of the world. Geopolitics and eco-geodynamics of regions: scientific journal. Volume 10. Issue 2.  141–146.
  • Kuzyk S. P., Mamchur O. I. Vanda I. V. (2014). Geography of the World [Educ. textbook]. 312 p.
  • Mamchur O. I., Vanda I. V., Kotyk L. I. (2014). Formation of the system of human-geographical knowledge in the process of teaching in higher education. International scientific bulletin: coll. of science works. Issue 2 (9).
  • Mamchur O. I. (2013). Forms of cross-border cooperation as objects of human geography research. Geographical science and practice: challenges of the era: materials of the international science and practice conference dedicated to the 130th anniversary of geography at Lviv University (Lviv, May 16–18, 2013). Vol. 1. P. 158–162.
  • Kotyk L. I., Mamchur O. I., Pelekh M. G. (2010). Shatskyy National Natural Park: strengths and weaknesses of the development of the recreational and tourist sphere // Problems of development of border territories and their participation in integration processes: coll. international science and practice conf. P. 492–495.
  • Mamchur O. I. (2010). Regional infrastructure of the labor market: features of spatial development / O. I. Mamchur. Materials of science and practice. conf. “Region – 2010: optimal development strategy” (Kharkiv, November 4-5, 2010). P. 145–147.
  • Kuzyk S. P., Mamchur O. I., Vanda I. V. (2013). Scientific and methodological foundations of teaching the course “Geography of the World Economy”. Geography and modernity: a collection of scientific works of the M. P. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University. P. 37–46.
  • Mamchur O. I. (2009). The infrastructure of the financial market of the region: component composition, geographical aspects of study. Geography and modernity: a collection of scientific works of the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov. Issue. 21. P. 34–40.
  • Mamchur O. I. (2009). The component structure of the market infrastructure of the Lviv region. History of Ukrainian geography. All-Ukrainian scientific and theoretical journal. Issue 19. P. 114–123.
  • Mamchur O. I. (2009). Geospatial aspects of the research of the infrastructure of the commodity market of the region. Geography and modernity: a collection of scientific works of the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov. Issue. 22. P. 73–80.


Geographer, Ph.D. in Geography (Human-geographic problems of market infrastructure of Lviv region forming, 2010), associate professor (since 2015).

Graduated from the Faculty of Geography, Lviv University (2006), postgraduate (2006-2009).
Also Graduated from the Faculty of Accounting and entrepreneurship, Institute of Postgraduate Education and staffs re-training, Lviv University (2009);
2010-2011 – senior department secretary; 2011-2015 – assistant (lecturer), since 2015 – associate professor at the Department of Economic and Social Geography.


  • The scientific internship at the Institute of Geography and Regional Development of the University of Wroclaw (Poland) on April 8-13, 2024 (according to the Bilateral Agreement between Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and the University of Wroclaw).
    Topic: “Development of economic and geographical science and education in Polish universities”
  • Return migration of Ukrainians from the European Union to Ukraine, 2022–2024 / Turku, University of Turku, 2024. March – July 2024
  • Сonference “Challenges to Communities and Society: Military Refugees from Ukraine” as part of the cooperation program “Support for Democracy in Ukraine” within the framework of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) 24 Oct 2023 – 27 Oct 2023.
    The conference was held at the Karl Eberhard University of Tübingen (in person and remotely). Presentation: Assoc. prof. Mamchur O., assoc. Login Z. R. “Migration to the EU countries. Payments to Ukrainians in the European Union”; Link: https://geography.lnu.edu.ua/news/mizhnarodna-naukova-konferentsiia-2023
  • Іnternationall seminar “Cross-border resilience of critical transport infrastructure in Ukraine and its impact on the economy and and society” / Twinning for Identity, Sovereignty and Resilience project (Department of Economic and Social Geography (Lviv) and the Department of Engineering (Birmingham) 27.07.2023
    Link: https://geography.lnu.edu.ua/news/mizhnarodnyy seminar-transkordonna-stiykist-krytychnoi-transportnoi-infrastruktury-2023)



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