Department of Economic and Social Geography

  • About the Department
  • Staff
  • Educational courses
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • Research
  • Teaching materials
  • News

Department of Economic and Social Geography was founded in 1944.
The First Head of Department – Candidate of Geographic Sciences, Assoc. Prof. Vaschenko Opanas (Afanasii) Trokhymovych (1908-1984). During the period of 1984-1990 the functions of the Head of Department were executed alternatively by Assoc. Prof. Parobetskyi M. M. (1984-1986), Honak M. I. (1986-1988) and Prof. Zastavnyi F. D. (1988-1990). Since 1990 the Head of Department has been Prof. Shablii O. I.
Currently 17 employees are working at the Department including two professors – doctors of sciences, eight associate professors – candidates of sciences, four lecturers including two candidates of sciences, head of university laboratory, three engineers, three senior laboratory assistants. Eight postgraduate students (five of them on a full-time basis) and five external doctoral candidates are currently studying.
The Department executes a state budget project “Social-geographic problems of the Western Ukrainian region within the framework of European Integration and Eastern Partnership” and participates in executing an inter-department project VS-143F “Natural and social-geographic potential as a factor of fighting social-economic developmental recession (a case study of the Carpathian region of Ukraine)” (Scientific Supervisor Prof. Shablii O. I.).
The Department prepares highly qualified Bachelor, Specialist, Master level experts in the field of Geography. The Department lecturers can participate in preparing economists and psychologists at the Faculties of Economics and Philosophy respectively of the Ivan Franko National University of L’viv.


Acting ChairpersonIryna HudzeliakActing Chairperson
ProfessorIvan RovenchakProfessor
Associate ProfessorYaroslav IvakhAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOlha MamchurAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorMyroslava VlakhAssociate Professor
Lecturer, Postgraduate Student (part-timer)Yuriy BorsukLecturer, Postgraduate Student (part-timer)
Lecturer (part-timer)Lubov KotykLecturer (part-timer)
LecturerNatalia SkabaraLecturer
LecturerHanna SmaliychukLecturer
Postgraduate StudentDnistryanska IrynaPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentZlata LoginPostgraduate Student

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials


The social-geographic school founded by the Doctor of Philosophy Hryhorii Velychko and Acad. Stepan Rudnytskyi is developing at the department. It covers the following directions of modern scientific research:

  • TheoryandmethodsofSocialGeographyintheperiodofscienceand practice informatizationand the development of globalizing processes (Prof. O. Shablii, Prof. I. Rovenchak, Assoc. Prof. V. Hrytsevych, Assoc. Prof. M. Knysh, Assoc. Prof. M. Vlakh);
  • Geographic Country Studies and Area Studies (Prof. O. Shablii, Prof. I. Rovenchak, Assoc. Prof. O. Vistak, Assoc. Prof. M. Knysh, Assoc. Prof. S. Kuzyk, Assoc. Prof. V. Stetskyi, Cand. Sci. (Geog.) Assoc. Prof. Ya. Ivakh);
  • SocialgeographicUkrainianStudies( O. Shablii, Prof. I. Rovenchak, Assoc. Prof. O. Vistak, Assoc. Prof. M. Vlakh);
  • Demographic and socialGeography(Prof. O. Shablii, Prof. I. Rovenchak, Assoc. Prof. M. Biletskyi, Prof. M. Vlakh, Assoc. Prof. V. Hrytsevych, Assoc. Prof. I. Hudzeliak, Assoc. Prof. S. Kuzyk, Cand. Sci. (Geog.) O. Mamchur, Postgrad. O. Tymchuk);
  • Economic Geography( O. Shablii, Assoc. Prof. M. Vlakh, Assoc. Prof. M. Knysh, Assis. I. Vanda, Assist. L. Kotyk, Eng. I. Vovk, Postgrad. O. Horovyi);
  • Politicalgeographyandgeopolitics( O. Shablii, Prof. I. Rovenchak, Assoc. Prof. O. Vistak, Assoc. Prof. M. Knysh, Postgrad. M. Myrosh);
  • Mathematical cartography ( O. Shablii, Assoc. Prof. V. Hrytsevych, Assoc. Prof. M. Knysh, Head of University Laboratory of „Complexatlas cartography” Cand. Sci. (Geog.) T. Kravets);
  • Historical geography( O. Shablii, Prof. I. Rovenchak, Assoc. Prof. O. Vistak, Assoc. Prof. M. Vlakh).


On September 25– 28, 2024, the Department of Geoecology and Physical Geography of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv will hold an international conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of its foundation

08.07.2024 | 16:31

On September 25– 28, 2024, the Department of Geoecology and Physical Geography of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv will hold an international conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of its foundation. The theme of the conference is related to (but not limited to) interdisciplinary landscape studies, which are the leading specialization of the department.
More information on the page of the scientific conference
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Field scientific workshop on the study of palaeo-permafrost processes as a result of the implementation of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine grant

24.10.2023 | 15:52

On October 6-8, 2023, the Department of Geomorphology and Palaeogeography together with the University of Wrocław (Poland) held a field scientific workshop entitled “DEVELOPMENT OF PALAEOCRYOGENIC PROCESSES IN THE QUATERNARY LOESS-PALAEOSOL SEQUENCES OF UKRAINE”, dedicated to the 140th anniversary of Geography at Lviv University.
This event is one of the results of the implementation of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine grant, which is carried out under the leadership of Prof. Andriy Bogucki, and the investigators are members of the...

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Soil science in the 21st century: modern challenges and development strategy. 21st-23rd, 2023

21.09.2023 | 09:20

We would like to invite you to attend the International Scientific Conference “Soil science in the 21st century: modern challenges and development strategy”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Department of Soil Science and Soil Geography of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, which will take place on September 21st-23rd, 2023 in a mixed (offline/online) format.
Working languages of the conference: Ukrainian, English, Polish.
Topics of the conference:

Genesis, geography and classification of soils;
Applied soil science and soil protection;
Land use in...

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