Myroslava Vlakh
Посада: Доцент, Economic and Social Geography Department
Науковий ступінь: кандидат географічних наук
Вчене звання: доцент
Телефон (робочий): 380-32 239-45-73
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Наукові інтереси
- history of geographical science;
- theory and methodology of geographical science;
- economic and socio-geographical terminology;
- demogeography;
- territorial agro-industrial complexation;
- geographical vocabulary.
- M. Vlakh. LANGUAGE GAMES IN GEOGRAPHICAL EDUCATION AND SCIENCE. Materials of the 3rd International Conference “Geographic Science and Education: Prospects and Innovations”: collection of materials of IVI International science and practice conference, Pereyaslav, October 19-20. 2023 / Pereyaslav (Kyiv region), 2023. P. 51–55.
- Vlakh М., Vanda І., Kotyk L. On the financial capacities of administrative districts of Lviv Oblast. Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology. 2022. Issue 4. P. 761–772.
- Vlakh М. Geospatial concepts of «border», «borderlands», «transborderlands»: modernization of the meaning / Myroslava Vlakh, Olha Mamchur // Journal of Geography, Politics and Society. – Uniwersytet Gdański, 2017. – 7 (2). – P. 9–16.
Geographer, teacher, Ph.D. geogr. sciences (Problems of improving production of economic relations of the Transcarpathian region, 1990).
Graduated from geography faculty of Lviv University (1979), postgraduate course (1986). In 1979–1990 a senior, laboratory assistant, in 1990–1991- was an assistant professor, and since 1991 an associate professor at the Department of Economic and Social Geography.
From 1991 to 2000 – Deputy Dean, Secretary of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Geography. Trained three candidates of geographical sciences (S. Penyuk, V. Poruchynsky, T. Kravets).
The author of about 200 scientific publications, including 1 monography, 1 dictionary-reference book on geography, 16 textbooks, 105 scientific articles.
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