Taras Zavadovskyy

Посада: завідувач, Educational-Training Laboratory “Educational Tourist Agency”

Телефон (робочий): 380-32 239-46-03

Електронна пошта: Taras.Zavadovskyy@lnu.edu.ua

Профіль у Google Scholar: scholar.google.com.ua

Профіль у Facebook: www.facebook.com

Наукові інтереси

  •  history of tourism;
  • heraldry;
  • Lviv studies;
  • land lore.



A tourist expert, heraldist, guide, local historian.

Graduated from the Faculty of International Law and Business, Lviv University (2009).
Since 2011 – head of the laboratory “Educational travel agency” at the Department of Tourism. Since 2010 – assistant at the Department of Tourism at the Faculty of Geography.