Scholarly and Business Communication
Тип: Нормативний
Кафедра: geoecology and physical geography
Навчальний план
Семестр | Кредити | Звітність |
9 | 3 | Залік |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Лектор | Група(и) |
9 | 16 | доцент Ivan KRUHLOV | GrEsM-11s-1, GrEsM-11s-2, GrEsM-11s-3 |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Група | Викладач(і) |
9 | 16 | GrEsM-11s-1 | доцент Ivan KRUHLOV |
GrEsM-11s-2 | доцент Ivan KRUHLOV | ||
GrEsM-11s-3 | доцент Ivan KRUHLOV |
Опис курсу
The course aims at forming skills of written and oral communication within scholarly/academic community as well in business activities. Students will learn how to efficiently use e-mail services and videoconferencing. The main attention, however, will be paid to the standards of academic writing, which cover style and structure of scientific papers, appropriate citing, and styling of figures and tables. Students will also learn tips of an oral and multimedia scholarly presentation and the discussion. Business component of the course will cover such topics as preparation of a CV and a motivation letter, as well as some skills of face-to-face interview / negotiations.
The course is project-based – the students will use their individual master study material and personal examples for practice.
Рекомендована література
- Business Explained (No date) Business communication 101, business communication skills basics, and best practices (
- Delfino D (2020) How to Write a Proper Email (
- Gross NL (2011) Communication strategies for international graduate students: Surviving and thriving in American academia. Western. 166 pp (
- Indeed Career Guide (No date) 4 Types of Communication and How to Improve Them (
- Lumen Boundless Business (No date) Introduction to Business Communications (
- Microsoft (No date) Microsoft 365 Training (
- MrB Geography IB (No date) Geography for a sustainable future. IB Geography Essay writing skills (
- National Conference of State Legislatures. Effective communications (
- PolicyViz (No date) Three Principles of Effective Scholarly Presentations (
- org (2017) How Do I Cite Sources? (
- org (No date) Understanding Plagiarism (
- Swaen B (2021) Citation styles guide: Choosing a style and citing correctly (
- Thesis Tutorials (No date) How to Write a Geography Master’s Thesis Properly: a Tutorial for Dummies (
- University of Toronto. Department of Geography & Program in Planning (2015) Geography Masters Research Proposal – Tips (
- Valamis (No date) Types of communication (
- Wil (No date) How to write a perfect professional email in English in 5 steps (
- Zotero (No date) Your personal research assistant (
- Влах М, Котик Л (2018) Теорія і методологія географічної науки. Навчальний посібник. ЛНУ ім І Франка, Львів. 343 сс (
- Круглов І (2020) Трансдисциплінарна геоекологія. Монографія. ЛНУ ім І Франка, Львів. 242 сс (
- Novoresume (2021) How to Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) in 2021 (
- Novoresume (2021) Motivation Letter Writing Guide + Examples for 2021 (
- StandOut CV (2018) How to write a CV with no experience [kick start your career] (
- Indeed Career Guide (2021) How to Write a Motivation Letter (With Tips and Examples) (
- Indeed Career Guide (2021) 21 Job Interview Tips: How To Make a Great Impression (
- Indeed Career Guide (2021) 125 Common Interview Questions and Answers (With Tips) (