Poznyak /ISBN 978-966-613-769-5 (P.1)/ Soil Science and Soil Geography: Manual. In Two Parts. P.1. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2010.The soil science theory, issues of genesis and soil role and functioning in the biosphere are reviewed. The general scheme of soil creation, the role of elements migration for the soil evolution, the importance of the geography environment components as the factor of soil evolution, the soil substance, components, properties of its massive, fluid, gaseous and alive phases are described. The main principles of soil taxonomy and classification are stated. |
Poznyak /ISBN 978-966-613-795-4 (P.2)/ Soil Science and Soil Geography: Manual. In Two Parts. P.2. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2010.The main principles of soil distribution, soil-geographical zoning and agro-industrial grouping, history of soil cartography and mapping are stated in a manual. The geographical conditions, genetic-morpholagical properties of main soil types are reviewed. The problems and approaches for soil protection and sustainable use are analyzed. Also the specific structure of the soil cover and its mapping are characterized. |
Poznyak, Ye. Krasyekha, M. Kit /ISBN 966-613-234-6/ Soil Cover Mapping: Manual. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2003.The problems concerning the methods of large-scale soil researches, structure of soil cover and the techniques of their investigation and also remote sensing technique of soil cover and relief plastic have been considered. Special sectionsare devoted to the usage of soil maps for the assessment and soil boniting, organization of the territory and so on. A separate section deals with the techniques of special soil examinations and the usage of the obtained results during the monitoring of soils and soil cover, revealing the crisis situation on the reclaimed territories in particular. Peculiarities of soil studies on the present-day stage of reformation of land relations and realization of land reform have been taken into account. |
Poznyak, Ye. Krasyekha /ISBN 966-613-472-1/ The Factors of soil Formation: Manual. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2007.Components of geographical environment as the factors of soil forming have been defined. Separate sections are devoted to the analysis of environment creation of soilsphere, processes of metabolism and interchange of energy between soilsphere and other geospheres and natural bodies, abyssal factors, the living organisms as the biotic focus of soilsphere, internal abiotic conditions of soil creation and their correlation to environmental factors. The control factors, e.g. relief as the relay factor of the conditions of soil creation and the time factor during soilsphere formation have been taken into account. Much attention is paid to the anthropogenic man activity as one of the factors of soil creation. |
Pankiv. /ISBN 978-966-613-564-6/ Land resources: Manual. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2008.The importance of the land resources in a human life and functioning of the biosphere have been revealed, and the classification units of the land resources have been analyzed. The current state and prevailing trends of the land use in the world and Ukraine have been charaterized. The modern state of the reclaimed land and irrigated areas of Ukraine and their rational use have been justified. The features of the land market and the main directions of the land resources protection in Ukraine were analyzed. |
Kit /ISBN 978-966-613-588-2/ Soil Morphology. Theory and practical work: Manual. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2008.The main theoretical issues and terminology of soil morphology as a part of soil science have been described. The soil profile and its types, genetic horizons, soil constitution, color, neogenics and inclusions as well as all the types of nomenclature and symbols of genetic horizons used in Ukraine, USA, Russia and World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WBR) have been analyzed. |
Ivanyuk /ISBN 978-966-613-717-6/ Bioproductivity of soils: The Textbook. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2009.The concept of bioproductivity of soils is reflected in a manual, the detailed analysis of the productivity of natural phitocenoses, agrocenoses and edaphon is done; the factors which cause it are determined; the ways of increase of agrocenosis bioproductivity are presented. A study of the biological productivity of soils with the purpose of the rational use of natural resources is one of the topical problems of contemporaneity. The questions of environment protection and the decision of important tasks of the increase of agricultural production are dependent on it. For today changes of the productivity of vegetation connected with properties of different types of soils, and anthropogenic influence are not studied enough. The practical classes and seminars of educational course „Bioproductivity of soils” are offered. |
Kyryl’chuk, O. Bonishko /ISBN 978-966-613-893-7/ Soil Chemistry. Theory and practical work: Manual. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2011.The main ways of contemporary soil chemistry as a part of soil science, namely soil mass chemistry, soil forming processes, chemical basics of soil fertility and analytic soil chemistry have been described in the manual. The main theoretical issues of soil chemistry, elemental and phase soil composition, fundamental laws of ion exchange and adsorption, soil acidity and alkalinity have been presented. Special attention has been paid to composition and properties of specific and non-specific organic soil substances as well as humification and organic mineral interaction. Oxidation reduction processes and assimilation capacity of soils, practical tasks of soil chemistry and soil protection from chemical pollution have been analyzed. A wide range of methodological and practical recommendations and different methods of laboratory analytical study of soils have been presented. |
Yamelynets /ISBN 978-966-613-587-5/ Geographical information systems in soil science: Manual. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2008.The main principles of the creation and performance of geographic information systems (GIS), the GIS application methods into soil science has been described in the manual. The detailed analysis of GIS modern trends and methodology for investigation of soil cover has been carried out. Special sections are devoted to the theoretical footing of GIS and its application extension. Separate section deal with GIS-application for estimation of soil erosion degradation and soil mapping in particular. Usage of GIS in complex with remote sensing technique for soil mapping has been taken into account. The main attention is paid to the usage of GIS-applications such as ArcView and ArcGIS. |
Papish, T. Yamelynets /ISBN 978-966-613-638-4/ Practicum on soil mapping: Manual. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2009.The manual deals with issues related to the practical implementation of basic theory and methodology of soil mapping; learning and mastering the techniques of large-scale soil surveys as the main type of soil and geographical research. The structure of the manual is designed as a scientific and methodical task instructions and test questions. Posted a wide range of theoretical, methodological and practical recommendations for their implementation, as well as a list of required teaching materials for the effective implementation of practical work. |
Yu. Nakonechny /ISBN 978-617-10-0019-3/ Practicum of Soil Science and Soil Geography: Manual. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2013.A wide range of methodological and practical recommendations and various methods of laboratory and analytical study of the properties of soils have been shown. Particular attention is paid to the physical properties of soil and humus. The general patterns of geographic distribution of soils, principles of soil-geographical and soil-agricultural zoning have been revealed. The characteristics of the soil conditions, structure and properties of the most common soils in the world have been analyzed. |
Yu. M. Andreichuk, T. S. Yamelynets /ISBN 978-617-7363-00-1/ GIS in ecology studies and nature conservation [Text]: Manual. – L’viv: “Prostir-M”, 2015.
The main principles of creation of geographic information systems (GIS), the GIS methods in ecology and conservation have being described in the manual. The theoretical basis of the geo-modeling and mapping, as well as its application have been analyzed. The manual also provides approaches to integrating data from different environment monitoring sources… |
Pankiv Z., Poznyak S. /ISBN 966-7379-06-X/ Morphogenetic peculiarities of turf-podzolic surfiece-gleevy soils of northwestern pre-Carpathians: monograph. – Lviv: Mercator, 1998. |
Pshevlotsky M., Haskevych V. /ISBN 966-613-160-9/ Agrotechnogenous transformation of soils of Socal Range: monograph. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2002. |
Kyrylchuk A., Poznyak S. /ISBN 966-613-260-5/ Rendzic Leptosols of Maly Polisya: monograph. – Lviv: Publishing Center of Lviv Ivan Franko National University, 2004. |
Haskevych V., Poznyak S. /ISBN 966-613-195-1/ Dried Mineral Soils of Small Polissya: monograph. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2004. | |
Pidvalna H., Poznyak S. /ISBN 966-613-327-X/ Humus Condition of Pobuzhzhya Avtomorphic Soils: monograph. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2004. |
Yamelynets T., Kit M. /ISBN 978-966-613-520-2/ The spatial analysis of degradation processes of grey forest soils of Western forest-steppe of Ukraine: monograph. – Lviv. Publishing Center of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2007. |
Haskevych O., Poznyak S. /ISBN 978-966-613-543-1/ Soil Cover Structure of Holohoro-Kremenets Highlands: monograph. – Lviv. Publishing Center of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2007. | |
Trigub V., Poznyak S. /ISBN 978-966-613-593-6/ Fluorine in chornozems of southwest Ukraine: monograph. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2008. |
Trigub V., Poznyak S. /ISBN 978-966-613-593-6/ Fluorine in chornozems of southwest Ukraine: monograph. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2008. |
Radziy V., Poznyak S. /ISBN 978-966-600-387-7/ Structure of the Soil Covering of the Volyn Height: monograph. – Lutsk: RVD “Vega” of Lesya Ukrainka National University of Volyn, 2009. | |
Voitkiv P., Poznyak S. /ISBN 978-966-613-703-9/ Virgin forest burozems of the Ukrainian Carpathians: monograph. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2009. |
Kovalets Yu., Poznyak S. /ISBN 978-966-2384-03-1/ Agrogene transformation of sod-podzolic soils of light granulometric composition of the Western Polissya of Ukraine: monograph. – Lviv: Publishing Centre “Ukrainian bestseller”, 2010. | |
Pidkova O., Kit M. /ISBN 978-966-613-763-3/ Lithological-Genetic Conditionality of Soil Cover Formation of Roztochchya: monograph. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2010. |
Nakonechny Yu., Poznyak S. /ISBN 978-966-613-822-7/ Floodplain soils of the river Western Bugh: monograph. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2011. | |
Pavliuk N., Haskevych V. /ISBN 978-966-613-865-4/ Gray forest soils of Opillya: monograph. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2011. | |
Telehuz O.V., Kit M. /ISBN 978-617-10-0060-5/ The agroecological evaluation of soil: monograph. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2013. |
Maznyk L., Poznyak S. /ISBN 978-617-10-0107-7/ Genetic-geographic research of soils in Western Ukraine: monograph. – Lviv. Publishing Center of Lviv Ivan Franko National University, 2014. | |
Netsyk M., Haskevych V. /ISBN 978-617-10-0211-1/ Peat soils Maly Polisya: monograph. – Lviv. Publishing Center of Lviv Ivan Franko National University, 2015. | |
Lutsyshyn A., Haskevych V. /ISBN 978-617-10-0264-7/ The soils of the plains Nadsyansky: monograph. – Lviv. Publishing Center of Lviv Ivan Franko National University, 2016 | |