Mariia Lopushanska
Посада: Аспірант, Constructive Geography and Cartography Department
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Профіль у ResearchGate:
Наукові інтереси
- Environmental Affect Assessment;
- Renewable Energy;
- Strategic Natural Assessment;
- Environmental Monitoring;
- Applied Ecology;
- Environmental Assurance Technologies;
- Environmental Education;
- Solid Waste Management;
- Sustainable Development;
- The Influence of War on the Environment.
- Lopushanska Mariia, Krychevska Diana, Ivanov Eugen, Pylypovych Olga. Geography, current state and development prospects of renewable energy facilities in Western Ukraine (example of Lviv region) // Geo Decade 2020-2030: International Geographic Conference (24-26 November 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria): Book of abstracts. – Sofia: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2020. – P. 41‒43.
- Ivanov Ye.A., Krychevska D.A., Lopushanska M.R., Pylypovych O.V. The geographical location, current state and forecasting of development of renewable energy facilities within Lviv region// Journal of Geology, Geography, and Geology. №31(1), P. 59-70 DOI:10.15421/112206
- Ye. Ivanov, M. Lopushanska, M. Teslovych Environmental Restrictions of Planning the Construction of Renewable Energy Facilities in Lviv Region Conference: International Conference of Young Professionals «GeoTerrace-2022» (October 3–5, 2022, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine) At: Lviv DOI:10.3997/2214-4609.2022590068
Maria was born on January 29, 1996 within the villlage of Lopushanka-Khomyna, Starosambirskyi (presently Sambirskyi) district, Lviv region.
In 2011, she graduated with honors from the Lopushanska`s auxiliary school of the 1st and 2nd grades and became a student of Lviv Technical and Economic College of NU “Lviv Polytechnic”. Specialty – ” Establishment, upkeep of hardware and gas supply frameworks”, which she graduated with honors in February 2015.
In 2013, she became a student at the Faculty of Geography at the Ivan Franko Lviv National University (since childhood, she dreamed of becoming a geographer, a two-time winner of the regional student geography olympiads).
After graduating from college, she enrolled in a shortened form of education at the Institute of Innovative Education of the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, specializing in “Heat gas supply and ventilation”, which she graduated with honors in March 2018 and received the qualification of “Construction Engineer”.
In 2015, after graduating from college, she worked as an engineer at the college.
From March 2017 to May 2018, she was a geography teacher at a local school.
In June 2018, she graduated from the Faculty of Geography with honors.
In September of the same year, she became a Master’s student in the educational program “Environmental Protection Technologies” specializing in “Applied Ecology and Balanced Nature Management”.
The topic of the Master’s thesis “Solar energy of the Lviv region: state and prospects of development”. Maria graduated with honors in December 2019.
Since September 2020, she is a graduate student of the Department of Constructive Geography and Cartography of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (dissertation topic: “Renewable energy of the Western region of Ukraine: state and impact on the environment”) scientific supervisor – prof. Ivanov Ye.A..
Since March 2019, she has been an ecologist of the Zakhidnadraservice group of companies.
She is actively engaged in the environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedure, more than 50 reports in his portfolio, waste management at the enterprise, post-project monitoring, eco-consulting, development of project documentation.
She completed more than 50 professional development courses in various areas of eco-direction (waste management, post-project monitoring, operating rules of the state-of-the-art facility, permitting activities in the field of atmospheric air protection, EMS and SEA, etc.), successfully completed a six-month training at the The International Charity Organization “Ecology- People-Law ” (EPL) on the topic “Environmental aspects of OTG management”.
He is actively engaged in eco-education, in particular, conducting lessons for students and lectures for students: a lesson at the “Ecoland” School with a report “The impact of energy on the environment”, 12/23/2022; a lesson at the “Engineering and Economic School – Lviv Economic Lyceum (SHEL)” with a report: “Smart home and energy efficiency” on October 7, 2022; lecture at the Lviv Technical and Economic College on the topic “De-carbonization and the role of renewable energy in environmental protection”, October 21, 2022; lecture for the Kharkiv branch of EGEA and UUYG on the topic “Impact of the war on the energy industry of Ukraine” 01.21.2023
Participated in events dedicated to the study of the assessment of the impact of war on the environment, especially, in specific the affect on vitality offices: speaker at the seminar “EIA and post-project monitoring in conditions of war: responsibility and consequences”, 04/27/2022 /news/seminar-ovd-ta-pislyaproyektnyy-monitoryng-v-umovah-viyny-vidpovidalnist-i-naslidky-vidbuvsya ; speaker at the seminar-workshop “Waste in war and post-war times: a new ecological industry” topic of the report: “Problems and prospects of waste management from wind turbines and solar panels after significant destruction in the war and post-war period”, 05/06/2022 https: //; speaker at the forum “TOGETHER-2022: Sustainable transformation as part of the global technology of victory” with the topic “Challenges in the EIA procedure” 10/27/2022 -together-2022-za-iniciatyvy-paeu-vstygnit-zareyestruvatys ; speaker at the III annual all-Ukrainian online congress for future managers of the green economy and ecologists (November 22, 2022); participation in the panel discussion “The impact of the war on the energy industry of Ukraine” with the topic “The impact of the war on the renewable energy industry of Ukraine”, 01.12.2022 ; participation in the conference ” New Generation Nuclear Energy in Estonia” with a report “Energy Strategy in Ukraine and the role of nuclear energy in ensuring the de-carbonization of the energy industry”, February 8, 2023 ; in the part of the meeting of the CPKVG “Assessment of the impact on the environment. Changes to environmental legislation. Water strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2025”, February 16, 2023; participation in the international conference “Development of hydrogen technologies in the world. New opportunities”, February 21, 2023; speaker at the international educational and practical forum “Forests of Ukraine: European integration, war, climate change and modern reforms” with the report “NNP “Royal Beskydy” and the problem of interaction with the community”.
Expert of the practical course “Environmental reporting. Payments. Answers to questions”, 14.12.2022 https:// ukraine- oss. com/ events/ pidsumkovyj- praktykum- forum-22- ekologichna- bezpeka- pidpryyemstva- vsi- zminy- zakonodavstva- zvitnist- platezhi- vidpovidi- na- pytannya/
Expert of the Seminar-practicum “EIA and Business: Updating the Procedure in 2023”
From November 2022 – Chairman of the EIA and SEA Committee in the Association of Environmental Professionals “PAEU”.
She is a member of the European Association of Geographers EGEA and the Ukrainian Union of Young Geographers (UUYG).
Driver of the green platform of the Ukrainian Union of Young Geographers.
Certified executor of EIA reports.
It passed ELEML certification and is included in the ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGERS DATA BANK