Mariya Filʹ
Посада: Доцент, Tourism Department
Науковий ступінь: кандидат технічних наук
Телефон (робочий): 380-32 239-46-03
Електронна пошта:
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Наукові інтереси
- food technology, innovative restaurant technology;
- use and production of traditional and non-traditional raw materials in the restaurant business;
- health food;
- product technology and restaurant service, organization in the restaurant business.
- Antiushko, D., Bozhko, T., Osyka, V., Shapovalova, N., Lozova, T., Fil, M., Sienohonova, L., Dudla, I., Volodavchyk, V., Sienohonova, H. (2022). Ensuring environmental protection and economic renewal through organic production certification. East-ern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4 (13(118)),53–60. Scopus doi:
Candidate of Technical Sciences (Formation of quality of pumpkin semi-finished products and finished biscuit products with their use 05.18.15. 2011); Associate Professor (2015).
She graduated from LKA (commodity science and commercial activity, commodity expert-merchant).
Practical experience (technologist) in the restaurant business – 10 years: restaurant “Flamingo”, “On the Cathedral”.
Senior laboratory assistant of the department of commodity science of food products LKA (2006-07), assistant of the department of commodity science of food products (2008-11), senior lecturer of the department of food technologies and hotel and restaurant business (2011-13), associate professor of the same department (2014-16), Associate Professor of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business (2016-17), Associate Professor of Tourism LNU. Ivan Franko from 2017 to the present.
Expert of the National Agency for Quality of Higher Education since 2019; member of the international network “AgroBioNet” Slovakia, Nitra; member of the Hospitality Association of Ukraine.
- Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, for participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference Dedicated to the 140th Anniversary of Geography at Lviv University GEOGRAPHICAL EDUCATION AND SCIENCE: CHALLENGES AND ADVANCEMENT, 2023
- Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, took part in the 3-rd international scientific and practical conference «MODERN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION: STATE, PROBLEMS, PROSPECTS», 2023
- Odesa National University of Technology, certificate of Acknowledgment Black Sea Science 2023
- National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, attended Series of interactive lectures “Autumn School: Modeling, Data Analysis, and Digital Technologies in Economic Research”, 2023
- ProCheese Academy, has successfully completed A course for cheesemongers, 2023
- OEP, has completed online professional development self-study short course on Leadership, 2023
- OEP, has completed online professional development self-study short course on Hygiene in food services, 2023
- OEP, has completed online professional development self-study short course on Emergency First Aid, 2023
- OEP, has completed online professional development self-study short course on Human Resources Management, 2023
- OEP, has completed online professional development self-study short course on Recognizing and preventing risk factors in practical work processes in food services, 2023
- OEP, has completed online professional development self-study short course on The 21st century skills for entrepreneurship and working life, 2023
- OEP, has completed online professional development self-study short course on Change Management, 2023
- OEP, has completed online professional development self-study short course on Coming up with a business idea, 2023
- UGEN, «Uni-Biz Bridge», 2022
- UGEN, «Uni Biz Bridge Camp» , 2022
- European Academy of Sciences and Research, Research Design: Inquiry and Discovery Course, 2022
- European Academy of Sciences and Research, Research Design: Inquiry and Discovery, 2022
- On Being a Scientist Course authorized by European Academy of Sciences and Research, 2021
- Participation in th I-st International scientific-practical conference “Modern commodity expertise: theoretical developments, practical expirience, problems and prospects”, 2021
- Slovak University of agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic 2015
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