Mariya Filʹ

Посада: Доцент, Tourism Department

Науковий ступінь: кандидат технічних наук

Телефон (робочий): 380-32 239-46-03

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Наукові інтереси

  • food technology, innovative restaurant technology;
  • use and production of traditional and non-traditional raw materials in the restaurant business;
  • health food;
  • product technology and restaurant service, organization in the restaurant business.




Candidate of Technical Sciences (Formation of quality of pumpkin semi-finished products and finished biscuit products with their use 05.18.15. 2011); Associate Professor (2015).

She graduated from LKA (commodity science and commercial activity, commodity expert-merchant).
Practical experience (technologist) in the restaurant business – 10 years: restaurant “Flamingo”, “On the Cathedral”.
Senior laboratory assistant of the department of commodity science of food products LKA (2006-07), assistant of the department of commodity science of food products (2008-11), senior lecturer of the department of food technologies and hotel and restaurant business (2011-13), associate professor of the same department (2014-16), Associate Professor of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business (2016-17), Associate Professor of Tourism LNU. Ivan Franko from 2017 to the present.
Expert of the National Agency for Quality of Higher Education since 2019; member of the international network  “AgroBioNet” Slovakia, Nitra; member of the Hospitality Association of Ukraine.



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