Oleksandra Maksymets
Посада: Старший викладач, Hotel and Restaurant Business and Food Technologies Department
Телефон (робочий): 380-32-2-35-57-72
Електронна пошта: oleksandra.maksymets@lnu.edu.ua
Наукові інтереси
- food technologies;
- development of ethnic cuisines;
- innovative learning technologies;
- modern scientific approaches to the organization of professionally-oriented extracurricular educational work of future specialists in the tourism industry.
senior lecturer, “Excellence in Education”.
Kyiv Institute Trade and Economics graduate in speciality “Technology and organization of public catering”, engineer – technologist (1978). Master of industrial training (1978-1989), teacher-methodologist of Lviv technical school of public catering (1989-1998), Оead of the laboratory of food technology (1998-2004), Head of the Department of Food Technologies (2000-2008), Acting Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business (2004-2013), senior lecturer at Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism (2014-2021), since 2021 senior lecturer of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business and Food Technologies of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Author and co-author of more than 100 scientific, educational and methodical works, including 3 textbooks, 2 monographs, a reference book, and scientific articles in professional journals.
- Odesa National University of Technology, Seminar «People/Talent Management: The Everchanging Environment For Recruitment, Retention And Productivity For Hospitality And Tourism», 2023
- Odesa National University of Technology, Seminar and Workshoop «ASSESSING PEOPLE IN THE WORKPLACE: SELF-MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT IN HORECA & TOURISM», 2023
- CENTER FOR FINANCIAL-ECONOMIC RESEARCH, International scientific-practical conference «Problems and prospects development of science, education and society in the XXI century», 2022
- CENTER FOR FINANCIAL-ECONOMIC RESEARCH, International scientific-practical conference «Problems and prospects development of science, education and society in the XXI century», 2021
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