Petro Voitkiv
Посада: Доцент, Constructive Geography and Cartography Department
Науковий ступінь: кандидат географічних наук
Вчене звання: доцент
Телефон (робочий): 380-32 239-45-49
Електронна пошта:
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Наукові інтереси
- soil science and soil geography;
- land resources;
- geoecology;
- urban ecology;
- balanced use of nature;
- topography with the basics of geodesy;
- cartography;
- land management and forest management planning.
Monographs and manuals
- Voitkiv P.S. History and geography of football: control tasks: educational and methodological guide. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2024. 162 p.
- Voitkiv P.S. History and geography of football: educational and methodological guide. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2023. 126 p.
- Voitkiv P. S., Ivanov E. A. Soil protection and restoration technologies: educational and methodological manual. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2023. 280 p.
Conference materials
- Voitkiv P.S. Morphological Features of Stryi River Floodplain Soils Within the Mountainous Part of Ukrainian Carpathians./ Nakonechnyy Yu.I., Voitkiv P.S. / Scientific Notes of Sumy State Pedagogical University. Geographical Sci. 2021. Vol. 2, Iss. 2 – P. 46-53.
- Voitkiv P.S. MODERN RADIATION SITUATION IN LVIV REGION/Ivanov E.A., Voitkiv P.S.,/ CHORNOBYL: OPEN AIR LAB: collection of materials of the 1st scientific and practical conference, April 24, 2021, Kyiv. Ternopil’: Krok, 2021. P. 158–162.
- Voitkiv P. S. Ivanov Y. A. Specifics of bulk chemical composition of virgin forest cambisols within the Ukrainian Carpathians. / Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology. 2020. V. 29. №2. P. 422–430.
- Voitkiv P.S. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF BUROZEMS (CAMBISOLS) OF THE BEECH VIRGIN FORESTS OF SHYROKA LUZHANKA ERB OF THE CARPATHIAN BIOSPHERE RESERVE /Voitkiv P.S., Nakonechniy Yu.I., Moroz G.B.// Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series: geographical sciences. – Issue 11. – 2019. – P. 88–94.
- Voitkiv P. S. Morphological features of the burozems (Cambisols) of the virgin forests of Uholsko-Shyrokoluzhansky massif of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve /Voitkiv P. S. Ivanov Y. A. // Scientific notes of Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after V. Hnatyuk. Series: geography. – Ternopil: SMP “Type”. – No. 1 (issue 46). –2019. – P. 39-46.
- Voytkiv P., Kravtsiv S., Mykhalets V. ASSESSMENT OF THE GENERAL ECOLOGICAL SITUATION OF LAND RESOURCES OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE-TERRITORIAL UNITS (AT THE EXAMPLE OF THE KAMIANKA-BUZKA DISTRICT OF LVIV REGION) / Voytkiv P., Kravtsiv S., Mykhalets V. //Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine. Collection of scientific works: IRD of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – Issue 2 (136). – 2019. – P. 30-35.
- Voitkiv P., Kravtsiv S. ASSESSMENT OF THE GENERAL ECOLOGICAL SITUATION OF LAND RESOURCES IN THE PUSTOMYTY DISTRICT OF LVIV REGION. / Voitkiv P., Kravtsiv S. // Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine. Collection of scientific works: IRD of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – Issue 3 (131). – 2018. – p.78-82.
A geographer, geographer-soil scientist, ecologist, Ph.D. in Geography (Brown soils of the Ukrainian Carpathians wildwood, 2008).
Graduated from the Faculty of Geography, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (2005), postgraduate (2008).
2008-2009 – assistant at the Department of Geography of Ukraine, 2009-2015 – assistant at the Department of Constructive Geography and Cartography. Since 2015 – associate professor at the Department of Constructive Geography and Cartography at Lviv University. Author of 78 scientific and scientific-methodical works.
- INTERCONF, for participation in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference
SCIENTIFIC TRENDS AND TRENDS IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION, Umeå, Kingdom of Sweden,2022 - INTERCONF, for participation in the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference THEORY AND PRACTICE OF SCIENCE: KEY ASPECTS, Rome, Italy, 2022
- INTERCONF, for participation in the III International Scientific and Practical Conference CONCEPTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIETY’S SCIENTIFIC POTENTIAL, Prague, Czech Republic, 2022
- for participation in the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY: INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH, January 26-28, 2022 in Hamburg, Germany
- ISMA University of Applied Sciences (ISMA), scientific and pedagogical internship “Theory and practice of scientific and pedagogical approaches in education”, (Riga, Latvia), from April 26, 2021 until May 26, 2021
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