Ecology (Applied ecology)

Branch of knowledge 10 Natural Sciences

Specialization: 101 Ecology (Applied ecology)

1 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
Metrology and regulation of environmental quality 32 16 2:1 Exam

2 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
Metrology, standardization, certification and accreditation 32 32 2:2 Exam

3 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
Alternative Energy 32 16 2:1 Exam
Technologies for improving the quality of natural waters 12 12 0,8:0,8 Setoff
Soil protection and restoration technologies 16 12 1:0,8 Setoff
Balanced nature management 16 16 1:1 Setoff
Land rehabilitation and protection technologies 24 16 1,5:1 Setoff