Pavlo Shuber

Посада: Доцент, Geoecology and Physical Geography Department

Науковий ступінь: кандидат географічних наук

Вчене звання: доцент

Телефон (робочий): 380-32-239-47-44

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Geographer, Ph.D. in Geography (Landscape soil differentiation of the Ukrainian Carpathians, 1994), Associate Professor (1998). The Faculty of Geography of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv graduate (1983), postgraduate study (1991). In 1983-89 a laboratory assistant, 1991-98 an assistant, since 1998 Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Geography, 1996-2000 Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Geography of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

Scientific interests: soil cover, physical and chemical properties of soils of natural territorial complexes of the Ukrainian Carpathians and regional features of the climate of the western region of Ukraine, current trends in climate change and measures to adapt to them in socio-economic activity.



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