Geodesic and Cartographic Unit
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In order to meet the needs of educational process and improve the quality of teaching geodesy, topography and cartography fundamentals the Geodesic and Cartographic Unit works at the Department of Constructive Geography and Cartography. The Unit takes an active part in teaching students of the Faculty of Geography, provides conducting practical classes on the courses as follows: “Topography and Fundamental Cartography”, “Cartography and Cartography Sketching”, “Cartography Methods in Ecology”, “Tourism Cartography”, topographic part of the complex physical, economic and geographical internship of the first-year students of the Faculty of Geography, develops manuals, methodological guidelines and workbooks on the mentioned courses, replicates the letterheads of practical assignments and topographic sheets.
The Unit staff have published 8 teaching and methodological manuals, 3 reference publications, around 20 methodological guidelines and workbooks. Among these teaching and methodological manuals worth special mention are as follows: “Practical Work in Topography” (2009), “Topographic Map” (2010), “Topographic Survey of Area Parts” (2010), “Topographic And Cartographic Drawing” (2009), “Cartography: Problems and Tasks” (2010), reference books: “Topography and Geography Thesaurus” (2007), “Topographic and Geodesic Reference Book” (2009).