Alex Telehuz

Посада: Доцент, Pedology and Soil Geography Department

Науковий ступінь: кандидат географічних наук

Вчене звання: доцент

Телефон (робочий): 380-32 239-47-49

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Наукові інтереси

  • research of geographical-genetic peculiarities of soils shifted during construction and operation of main pipelines of underground type;
  • determination of losses of quality of lands by their credit assessment;
  • study of the structure and properties of soils of cities – urban soils;
  • agroecological features of formation and functioning of arable lands.



A geographer-soil scientist, Ph.D. in Geography (Genetic-geographical peculiarities of soils transformation of the main pipelines routes, 2005, scientific supervisor prof. M. H. Kit), associate professor (2008).

Graduated from the Faculty of Geography of Lviv State University (1999), postgraduate (2003). 1995-2001 – laboratory assistant, engineer, junior research fellow of SRL-50 “Soil-geographical research”, since 2001 – engineer, 2002 – head of educational laboratory of soil and natural waters analysis, 2004-2006 – assistant, since 2006 – associate professor at the Department of Soil Science and Soil Geography, 2016-2018 – Deputy Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee of Lviv University.
Since 1996 – Member of the Ukrainian Society of Soil Scientists and Agrochemists, since 1998 – Member of the Ukrainian Geographical Society. Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Academic Council for the Defense of Doctoral Dissertations in Geography at Lviv University D 35.051.08 (2005-2013).



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