Nazar Vanyo

Посада: Інженер, Laboratory of Geo-Information Modeling and Cartography

Телефон (робочий): +380993184222

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Наукові інтереси

  • geoinformation modeling;
  • web-GIS;
  • creation and operation of geoportals.



Born on September 4, 1999 in Lviv. In 2017, he graduated from secondary comprehensive school № 34 named after M. Shashkevych. In the same year, he became a first-year student at the Faculty of Geography at the Ivan Franko National University.

In 2021, he graduated from the Faculty of Geography of Lviv State University named after I. Franko, majoring in “Secondary Education (Geography)”.

From 2019 works as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Constructive Geography and Cartography.

In 2022, he graduated from the Department of Constructive Geography and Cartography and received a diploma in the specialty “Environmental Protection Technologies” and obtained the qualification “Master of Environmental Protection Technologies”.

From January 2023 works as an engineer of the educational laboratory of geoinformation modeling and mapping.
