Physical geography of continents and oceans
Тип: Нормативний
Кафедра: geoecology and physical geography
Навчальний план
Семестр | Кредити | Звітність |
5 | 4 | Немає |
6 | 4.5 | Іспит |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Лектор | Група(и) |
5 | 48 | доцент Lyudmyla KOSTIV | GEd-31s |
6 | 64 | доцент Lyudmyla KOSTIV | GEd-32s |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Група | Викладач(і) |
5 | 48 | GEd-31s | доцент Lyudmyla KOSTIV |
6 | 48 | GEd-31s | доцент Lyudmyla KOSTIV |
Опис курсу
“Physical Geography of Continents and Oceans” is a normative discipline for students majoring in 014.07 “Secondary Education” (Geography), an educational program for Bachelors, which is taught in 6 and 7 semesters in the amount of 9 credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System – ECTS).
The aim of the course: the formation of students’ knowledge of the nature of continents and oceans.
In the process of studying, students are introduced to literary and cartographic sources from this course; acquaintance with the main features of tectonics, geology, climate, inland waters, soil cover, vegetation, natural areas of the continents; finding out the regularities of their distribution; study of physical and geographical differentiation of continents and elucidation of the factors of this differentiation; identification of the main properties that determine the natural unity of continents and regions; analysis of the impact of natural conditions on the nature of management in different regions; finding out environmental problems and causes of their appearance.
Рекомендована література
- Kostiv L.Ya. Physical geography of continents and oceans. Africa: nav.-methodical manual. Lviv, 2017. – 184 p.
- Kostiv L. Ya. Regional physical geography. Eurasia: education. manual Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv , 2022. 336 p.
- Pozniak S. P. Soil science and geography of soils: textbook. In part 2. Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2020. Part 2. P. 37–188.
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