Modern geomorphological processes
Тип: Нормативний
Кафедра: pedology and soil geography
Навчальний план
Семестр | Кредити | Звітність |
9 | 5 | Залік |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Лектор | Група(и) |
9 | 32 | доцент BAYRAK G. | GrEsM-11s-1, GrEsM-11s-2, GrEsM-11s-3 |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Група | Викладач(і) |
9 | 32 | GrEsM-11s-1 | доцент BAYRAK G. |
GrEsM-11s-2 | доцент BAYRAK G. | ||
GrEsM-11s-3 | доцент BAYRAK G. |
Опис курсу
The discipline “Modern geomorphological processes” is a discipline of choice in the specialty 103 “Earth sciences” for the educational and qualification program of the master’s degree, which is taught in the 1st semester in the amount of 5 credits (according to ECTS).
The aim of the discipline is to form in students a system of theoretical and practical knowledge about the mechanisms of origin, development and functioning of modern geomorphological processes, acquaint with measures to prevent their negative impact. It is also important to consolidate students’ understanding of the impact of morphodynamic processes on the main components of the environment. Considerable attention is paid to the applied aspects of the study of morphodynamic processes, current trends in the development of processes, including the peculiarities of their manifestation in the context of global climate change.
As a result of studying the discipline the student must know:
- the main factors of origin and mechanisms of development of geomorphological processes, their connection with different components of the environment;
- causes, mechanism, forms of manifestation in modern relief;
- criteria for identification of geomorphological processes;
- consequences and results of the impact of morphodynamic processes on the environment;
- the spread of geodynamic processes on the continents;
- spread and reasons for the formation of processes on the territory of Ukraine;
- basic methods of studying morphodynamic processes;
- morphology of the main elements of the manifestations of processes;
- measures to combat the negative effects of processes on human life.
As a result of studying the discipline the student must be able to:
- identify the main effective cause that leads to the emergence and development of the process;
- establish a connection between the external manifestation of the process (phenomena) with the composition, properties and condition of the rock mass;
- single out and identify different morphodynamic processes in the environment;
- determine the genesis of sediments and forms of the earth’s surface formed as a result of the development of geomorphological processes;
-apply the acquired knowledge to solve applied problems.
Рекомендована література
Information resources
- Kras region in Slovenia – Classical Karst.
- Нow to study a volcano.
- Monitoring Cascade Volcanoes.