Volodymyr Haskevych

Position: Professor, Pedology and Soil Geography Department

Academic degree: Doctor of Geographical Sciences

Academic Title: Professor

Phone (office): 380-32-239-42-20

Email: Volodymyr.Haskevych@lnu.edu.ua

Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com.ua

Research interests

  • the impact of drainage reclamation on soils;
  • soil degradation;
  • soil structure; physical, physicochemical and chemical properties of soils;
  • soil morphology;
  • soil monitoring;
  • pyrogenic soil degradation;
  • the biogenic transformation of soils.




Geographer, Ph.D. in Geography (Change of soil properties of Male Polissya under the influence of drainage, 1999), associate professor (2001), professor (2015) Doctor of Sciences in Geography (Theoretical bases and applied aspects of soil degradation of Male Polissya, 2010).

Faculty of Geography of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv graduate (1978), postgraduate (1999). 1978-88‒ VAT engineer, 1988‒1992‒ Junior Research Fellow, 1992‒2000‒ Research Fellow, 2000‒2001‒assistant, since 2001‒associate professor of the Department of Soil Science and Soil Geography, Lviv university.

Author of more than 220 scientific articles.



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