Oksana Skliarska
Посада: Доцент, Geography of Ukraine Department
Науковий ступінь: кандидат географічних наук
Вчене звання: доцент
Телефон (робочий): 380-32 239-41-84
Електронна пошта: Oksana.Sklyarska@lnu.edu.ua
Профіль у Google Scholar: scholar.google.com.ua
Профіль у Facebook: www.facebook.com
Наукові інтереси
- political geography
- geography of international relations
- geography of the population of Ukraine.
- Methodical instructions for practical seminar work and independent work from the course “Geography of the population of Ukraine” / Skliarska O., Lozynskyi R. Lviv, 2024. 44 p.
- Skliarska O. Methodical recommendations for the implementation of practical seminar works from the course “Geography of international relations of Ukraine with didactics”. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. 2024. 50 p.
- Skliarska O. Medical geography of Ukraine for secondary school: methodological guidelines. – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2023. 41 p.
- Oksana Skliarska. Theoretical and practical scientific achievements: research and results of their implementation: collection of scientific papers “SCIENTIA” with Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Theoretical Conference, September 30, 2022. Pisa, Italian Republic. – PP. 129–132.
- М. Dnistrianskyy, O. Skliarska. Ukrainian Ethnic and Political Identity: Regional Divergences in the Соnsolidation of Ukrainian Society in the Context of External Geopolitical Influences / М. Dnistrianskyy, O. Skliarska // Territories and Identities In Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. – Częstochowa:Instytut Geopolityki, 2014. – S. 340-355.
- Myroslav S. Dnistrianskyy, Oksana I. Skliarska. Territorial – Political Differentiation of Ukraine: Forming Factors, Contradictions of Ethno-Cultural Relations, Prospects of Social Consolidation / Myroslav S. Dnistrianskyy – Oksana I. Skliarska // MinorityStudies, 17. – NPKI / Research Institute for Hungarian Communities Abroad, Budapest, 2014. – S. 149-162.
Sklyarska Oksana Ihorivna – geographer, Ph.D. in Geography (Political and Geographical Processes in the Border Areas of Zakarpattia and Chernivtsi Regions, 2010) 2007‒graduated with honors from Faculty of Geography, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. 2007‒2010‒postgraduate. Since 2010 – assistant, since 2014 – associate professor at the Department of Geography of Ukraine. Published 35 scientific works.
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