Participation of the Head of the Department of Geography of Ukraine in the plenary session of the Regional Spatial Planning Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences

12.07.2022 | 12:30

On Thursday, July 7, 2022, a plenary meeting of the Regional Spatial Planning Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences organized jointly with the Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was held. The topic of the meeting was “Spatial dimension of development policy in the period of crisis and reconstruction: the case of Ukraine.”

The program of the meeting included three stages: opening and introductory greetings; presentation reports and panel discussion. A wide range of issues of sustainable spatial development of Ukraine in the context of Russian armed aggression and prospects for post-war reconstruction of the state were discussed. Session reports were presented by: prof. L. Rudenko, prof. L. Lisovskyi, prof. E. Marunyak (Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine); Yu. Palekha (Dipromisto); Prof. T. Komornytskyi (Spatial Planning Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences).

The head of the Department of Geography of Ukraine, professor R. Lozynskyy from the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv participated in the panel discussion on the topic “Instruments of territorial reconstruction in different geographical dimensions”.

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