Taras Yamelynets

Посада: Професор, Pedology and Soil Geography Department

Науковий ступінь: доктор географічних наук

Вчене звання: професор

Телефон (робочий): 380-32 239-47-49

Електронна пошта: Taras.Yamelynets@lnu.edu.ua

Профіль у Google Scholar: scholar.google.com.ua

Профіль ORCID: orcid.org

Профіль у Scopus: www.scopus.com

Профіль у Web of Science (Publons): publons.com

Наукові інтереси

  • geographical information systems and their application in soil science and ecology;
  • modeling of erosion processes;
  • soil information systems.





Geographer, Dr. in Geography (Theoretical basics and practice of information soil science, 2021), Assoc. Prof. (2008).

The Faculty of Geography graduate with honor of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (2000), postgraduate (2003). Lecturer (2004-2005), since 2005 Assoc. Prof. of Department of Soil Science and Soil Geography at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Member of the Ukrainian Society of Soil Scientists and Agrochemists. Member of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Ukraine).

Author and co-author of about 50 scientific works.



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