Marine Elbakidze

Посада: Доцент, Geoecology and Physical Geography Department

Науковий ступінь: кандидат географічних наук

Вчене звання: доцент

Телефон (робочий): 380-32 239-47-44

Електронна пошта:

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Articles in international journals (Scopus, Web of Science)

  • Vardanyan, Z.; Nersisyan, G.; Przybysz, A.; Elbakidze, M.; Sayadyan, H.; Grigoryan, M.; Ktrakyan, S.; Avetisyan, G.; Muradyan, N. Improvement in the Adaptation and Resilience of the Green Areas of Yerevan City to Climate–Ecological Challenges. Atmosphere 2024, 15, 473.
  • Dawson, L., Elbakidze, M., Yamelynets, T., Kraft van Ermel, L.E., Johansson, K., Schaffer, C. 2024. Urban greenspace for social integration: which types of greenspace do new-Swedes prefer and why? Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 95.
  • Schaffer, C., Elbakidze, M., Björklund, J. 2024. Motivation and perception of farmers on the benefits and challenges of agroforestry in Sweden (Northern Europe). Agroforestry systems, doi:
  • Castillo-Rivero, L., Elbakidze, M., McCann, P., & Sijtsma, F. J. (2023). Depopulation and ecological degradation, two dimensions of marginalization, and peripheralization. Ecosystem integrity as an assessment factor in local revitalization. Regional Science Policy & Practice, 1–22.
  • Mikusiński, G., Elbakidze, M., Orlikowska, E. H., Skaltsa, I. G., Żmihorski, M., & Iwińska, K. (2023). Elucidating human–nature connectedness in three EU countries: A pro-environmental behaviour perspective. People and Nature, 00, 1–15.
  • McDermott, C.L., Elbakidze, M., Teitelbaum, S., Tysiachniouk, M. (2023). Forest Certification in Boreal Forests: Current Developments and Future Directions. In: Girona, M.M., Morin, H., Gauthier, S., Bergeron, Y. (eds) Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change. Advances in Global Change Research, vol 74. Springer, Cham.
  • Lucas Dawson, Marine Elbakidze, L E Kraft van Ermel, Ulf Olsson, Yfke P. Ongena, Christina Schaffer, Karl-Erik Johansson, 2023. Why don’t we go outside? – Perceived constraints for users of urban greenspace in Sweden. Urban Forestry& Urban Greening, 82.
  • Elbakidze,M., Dawson, L., Milberg, P., Mikusiński,G., Hedblom, M., Kruhlov, I., Yamelynets., T., Schaffer, C., Karl-EricJohansson, KJ., Grodzynskyi.,M. 2022. Multiple factors shape the interaction of people with urban greenspace: Sweden as a case study. Urban Forestry& Urban Greening, 74.
  • Elbakidze, M., L. Dawson, C. L. McDermott, S. Teitelbaum, and M. Tysiachniouk. 2022. Biodiversity conservation through forest certification: key factors shaping national Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) standard-development processes in Canada, Sweden, and Russia. Ecology and Society 27(1):9.
  • Sara Teitelbaum, Maria Tysiachniouk, Constance McDermott, Marine Elbakidze. 2021. Articulating FPIC through transnational sustainability standards: Acomparative analysis of Forest Stewardship Council’s standard development processes in Canada, Russia and Sweden. Land use policy 109 (2021) 105631.
  • Dawson, L., M. Elbakidze, M. Schellens, A. Shkaruba, P. Angelstam. 2021. Bogs, birds, and berries in Belarus: the governance and management dynamics of wetland restoration in a state-centric, top-down context. Ecology and Society 26(1):8.
  • Tysiachniouk, M., McDermott, C., Kulyasova, A., Teitelbaum, S., Elbakidze, M. 2021. The politics of scale in global governance: Do more stringent international forest certification standards protect local rights in Russia? Forest Policy and Economics, 125.
  • Elbakidze, M.,  Surova, D., Muniz-Rojas, J., Persson, JO., Dawson, L., Plieninger, T., Pinto-Correia. 2021. Perceived benefits from agroforestry landscapes across Noth-Eastern Europe: what matters and for whom? Landscape and Urban Planning 209.
  • Stryamets, N., Elbakidze, M., Chamberlain, J., Angelstam, P. 2020. Governance of non-wood forest products in Russia and Ukraine: institutional rules, stakeholder arrangements and decision-making process. Land use policy 94: 104289.
  • Angelstam,P., Elbakidze, M., R., Khoroshev, A., Pedroli, B., Tysiachniouk, M., Zabubenin, E., 2019. Model forests in Russia as landscape approach: Demonstration projects or initiatives for learning towards sustainable forest management? Forest policy and economics 101: 96-110.
  • Angelstam, P., Manton, M., Elbakidze, M., Sijtsma, F., Adamescu, M., Avni, N., Beja, P., Bezak, P., Zyablikova, I., Cruz, F., Bretagnolle, V., D√≠az-Delgado, R., Ens, B., Fedoriak, M., Flaim, G., Gingrich, S., Lavi-Neeman, M., Medinets, S., Melecis, V., Mu√±oz-Rojas, J., Sch√§ckermann, J., Stocker-Kiss, A., Set√§l√§, H., Stryamets, N., Taka,M., Tallec, G., Tappeiner, U., T√∂rnblom, J., Yamelynets, T. 2019. LTSER platforms as a place-based transdisciplinary research infrastructure: learning landscape approach through evaluation. Landscape ecology 34, 1461 – 1484.
  • Naumov, V., Elbakidze, M., Manton, M., Priednieks, J, Rendenieks, Z., Angelstam, P. 2018. Wood production and biodiversity conservation are rival forestry objectives in Europe’s Baltic Sea Region. Ecosphere 218:1-13.
  • Valasiuk, S., Czajkowski, M., Giergiczny, M., Żylicz1, T., Veisten, K., Landa Mata, L., Halse, A., Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P. 2018. Is forest landscape restoration socially desirable? A discrete choice experiment applied to the Scandinavian transboundary Fulufjället National Park Area. Restoration Ecology Vol. 26, No. 2, 370–380.
  • Naumov, V., Manton, M., Elbakidze, M., Rendenieks, Z., Priednieks, J., Uhlianets, S., Yamelynets, T., Zhivotov, A., Angelstam, P. 2018. How to reconcile wood production and biodiversity conservation? The Pan-European boreal forest history gradient as an “experiment”. Journal of Environmental Management 218: 1-13
  • Elbakidze, M., Gebrehiwot, M., Angelstam, P., Yamelynets, T., Surova, D. 2018. Defining Priority Land Covers that Secure the Livelihoods of Urban and Rural People in Ethiopia: a Case Study Based on Citizens’ Preferences. Sustainability 10(6), 1701;
  • Gebrehiwot, M., Elbakidze, M., Lidestav, G. 2018. Gender relations in changing agroforestry homegardens in rural Ethiopia. Journal of rural studies 61: 197-205.
  • Elbakidze, M., Hahn, T., Zimmermann N. E., Cudlín, P., Friberg, N., Genovesi, P., Guarino, R., Helm, A., Jonsson, B., Lengyel, S., Leroy, B., Luzzati, T., Milbau, A., Pérez-Ruzafa, A., Roche, P., Roy, H., Sabyrbekov, R., Vanbergen, A. and Vandvik, V. Chapter 4: Direct and indirect drivers of change in biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people. In IPBES (2018): The IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Europe and Central Asia. Rounsevell, M., Fischer, M., Torre-Marin Rando, A. and Mader, A. (eds.). Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem services, Bonn, Germany, pp. 385-568.
  • Garrido, P., Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Plieninger, T., Pulido, F., Moreno, G. 2017. Stakeholder perspectives of wood-pasture ecosystem services: A case study from Iberian dehesas. Land use policy 60: 324-333.
  • Garrido, P., Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P. 2017. Stakeholders’ perceptions on ecosystem services in Östergötland’s (Sweden) threatened oak wood-pasture landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning 157: 96-104.
  • Shackleton, R., Angelstam, P., van der Waal, B., Elbakidze. M. 2017. Progress made in managing and valuing ecosystem services: a horizon scan of gaps in research, management and governance. Ecosystem services.
  • Angelstam, P., Khaulyak, O., Yamelynets, T., Mozgeris, G., Naumov, V., Chmielewskim T., Elbakidze, M., Manton, M., Prots, B., Valasiuk, S. 2017. Green infrastructure development at European Union’s eastern border: Effects of road infrastructure and forest habitat loss. Journal of Environmental Management 193: 300-311
  • Angelstam, P., Manton, M., Pedersen, S., Elbakidze, M. Disrupted trophic interactions affect recruitment of boreal deciduous and coniferous trees in northern Europe. Ecological Applications 27(4): 1108-1123.
  • Valasiuk, S.., Czajkowski, M., Giergiczny, M., Zylicz, T., Veisten, K., Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P. 2017. Are bilateral conservation policies for the Bialowieza Forest unattainable? Analysis of stated preferences of Polish and Belarusian public. Journal of forest economics 27:70-79
  • Dawson, L., Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Gordon, J. 2017. Governance and management of landscape restoration at multiple scales: learning from successful environmental managers in Sweden. Journal of environmental management 197: 24-40.
    Angelstam, P., Barnes, G., Elbakidze, M., Marais, C., Marsh, A., Polonsky, S., Richardson, D.,
  • Rivers, N., Shackleton, R., Stafford, W. 2017. Collaborative learning to unlock investments for functional ecological infrastructure: Bridging barriers in social-ecological systems in South Africa. Ecosystem Services. In press.
  • Angelstam, P., Naumov, V., Elbakidze, M. Transitioning from Soviet wood mining to sustainable forest management by intensification: are tree growth rates different in northwest Russia and Sweden? Forestry 90 (2): 292-303.
  • Angelstam, P., Pedersen, S., Manton, M., Garrido, P., Naumov, V., Elbakidze, M. Green infrastructure maintenance is more than land cover: Large herbivores limit recruitment of key-stone tree species in Sweden. Landscape and urban planning 167: 368-377.
  • Naumov, V., Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M. Satisfying rival forestry objectives in the Komi Republic: Effects of Russian zoning policy change on wood production and riparian forest conservation. Canadian journal of forest research.
  • Sigwela, A., Elbakidze, M., Powell, M., Angelstam. 2017. Defining core areas of ecological infrastructure to secure rural livelihoods in South Africa. Ecosystem services. 27:272-280
    Angelstam, P., Yamelynets, T., Elbakidze, M., Prots, B., Manton; M. 2017. Gap analysis as a basis for strategic spatial planning of green infrastructure: a case study in the Ukrainian Carpathians, Écoscience, 24:1-2, 41-58
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Yamelynets, T., Dawson, L., Gebrehiwot, M., Stryamets, N., Johansson, K:, Garriod, P., Naumov, V., Manton, M. 2017. A bottom-up approach to map land covers as potential green infrastructure hubs for human well-being in rural settings: a case study from Sweden. Landscape and Urban Planning 168: 72-83.
  • Elbakidze, M., Razauskaite, R., Manton, M., Angelstam, P., Mozgeris, G., Brumelis, G., Brazaitis, G., Vogt, P. 2016. The role of forest certification for biodiversity conservation: Lithuania as a case study. European Journal of Forest Research doi 10.1007/s10342-016-0949-4
  • Gebrehiwot, M., Elbakidze, M., Lidestav, G., Sandewall, M., Angelstam, P., Kassa, H. 2016. From self-subsistence farm production to khat: driving forces of change in Ethiopian agroforestry homegardens. Environmental Conservation 1:1-10
    Naumov, V., Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M. Barriers and bridges for intensified wood production in Russia: Insights from the environmental history of a regional logging frontier. Forest policy and economics 66:1-10.
  • Manton, M., Angelstam, P, Milberg, P., Elbakidze, M. Wet Grasslands as a Green Infrastructure for Ecological Sustainability: Wader Conservation in Southern Sweden as a Case Study. Sustainability 8, 340: doi:10.3390/su8040340
  • Elbakidze, M, Dawson, L., Andersson, K., Axelsson, R., Angelstam, P., Stjernquist, I., Teitelbaumc, S., Schlyter, P., Thellbro, C. 2015. Is spatial planning a collaborative learning process? A case study froma rural–urban gradient in Sweden. Land Use Policy 48: 270-285.
    Stryamets, N., Elbakidze, M., Ceuterick, M., Angelstam, P., Axelsson, R. 2015. From economic survival to recreation: contemporary uses if wild food and medicine in rural Sweden, Ukraine and NW Russia. Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine. 11:53, DOI 10.1186/s13002-015-0036-0
  • Tolunay, A., Türkoglu, T., Elbakidze , M., Angelstam, P. 2014. Determination of the Support Level of Local Organizations in a Model Forest Initiative: Do Local Stakeholders Have Willingness to Be Involved in the Model Forest Development? Sustainability 6: 7181-7196.
  • Andersson, K., Angelstam, P., Axelsson, R., Elbakidze, M., Törnblom, J.2013. Connecting Municipal and Regional Level Planning: Analysis and Visualization of Sustainability Indicators in Bergslagen, Sweden, European Planning Studies, 21:8, 1210-1234
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Sandström, C., Stryamets, N., Crow, S., Axelsson, R., Stryaments, G., and Yamelynets, T. 2013. Biosphere Reserves for conservation and development in Ukraine? Legal recognition and establishment of the Roztochya initiative. Environmental Conservation, doi:10.1017/S0376892912000434.
  • Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M., Axelsson, R., Dixelius, M., Törnblom, J. 2013. Knowledge Production and Learning for Sustainable Landscapes: Seven Steps Using Social–Ecological Systems as Laboratories. Ambio 42: 116-128.
  • Angelstam, P., Grodzynskyi, M., Andersson, K., Axelsson, R., Elbakidze, M., Khoroshev, A., Kruhlov, I., Naumov, V. 2013. Measurement, Collaborative Learning and Research for Sustainable Use of Ecosystem Services: Landscape Concepts and Europe as Laboratory. Ambio 42: 129-145.
  • Angelstam, P., Andersson, K., Isacson, M., Gavrilov, D., Axelsson, R., Bäckström, M., Degerman, E., Elbakidze, M., Kazakova-Apkarimova, E., Sartz, L., Sädbom, S., Törnblom, J. 2013. Learning About the History of Landscape Use for the Future: Consequences for Ecological and Social Systems in Swedish Bergslagen. Ambio 42: 146-159.
  • Elbakidze, M., Andersson, K., Angelstam, P., Armstrong, GW., Axelsson, R., Doyon, F.,  Hermansson, M., Jacobsson, J., Pautov, Yu. 2013. Sustained Yield Forestry in Sweden and Russia: How Does it Correspond to Sustainable Forest Management Policy? Ambio 42:160-173.
  • Elbakidze, M., Hahn, T., Mauerhofer, V., Angelstam, P., Axelsson, R. 2013. Legal Framework for Biosphere Reserves as Learning Sites for Sustainable Development: A Comparative Analysis of Ukraine and Sweden. Ambio 42:174-187.
  • Richnau, G., Angelstam, P., Valasiuk, S., Zahvoyska, L., Axelsson, R., Elbakidze, M., Farley, J., Jönsson, I., Soloviy, I. 2013. Multifaceted Value Profiles of Forest Owner Categories in South Sweden: The River Helge å Catchment as a Case Study. Ambio 42: 188-200.
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Sobolev, N., Degerman, E., Andersson, K., Axelsson, R., Höjer, O.,  Wennberg, S. 2013. Protected Area as an Indicator of Ecological Sustainability? A Century of Development in Europe’s Boreal Forest. Ambio 42: 201-214.
  • Axelsson, R., Angelstam, P., Degerman, E., Teitelbaum, S., Andersson, K., Elbakidze, M., Drotz, M. 2013. Social and Cultural Sustainability: Criteria, Indicators, Verifier Variables for Measurement and Maps for Visualization to Support Planning. Ambio 42:215-228.
  • Angelstam, P., Roberge, JM., Axelsson, R., Elbakidze, M., Bergman, K-O., Dahlberg, A., Degerman, E., Eggers, S., Esseen, P-A, Hjältén, J., Johansson, T., Müller, J., Paltto, H., Snäll, T., Soloviy, I, Törnblom, J. 2013. Evidence-Based Knowledge Versus Negotiated Indicators for Assessment of Ecological Sustainability: The Swedish Forest Stewardship Council Standard as a Case Study. Ambio 42: 229-240.
  • Axelsson, R., Angelstam, P., Myhrman, L., Sädbom, S., Ivarsson, M., Elbakidze, M., Andersson, K., Cupa, P., Diry, C., Doyon, F., Drotz, M., Hjorth, A., Hermansson, JO., Kullberg, T., Lickers, TH., McTaggart, J., Olsson, A., Pautov, Yu., Svensson, L., Törnblom, J. 2013. Evaluation of Multi-level Social Learning for Sustainable Landscapes: Perspective of a Development Initiative in Bergslagen, Sweden. Ambio 42: 241-253.
  • Angelstam, P., Andersson, K., Annerstedt, M.,  Axelsson, R. Elbakidze, M., Garrido, P., Grahn, P., Jönsson, J., Pedersen, S., Schlyter, P., Skärbäck, E., Smith, M., Stjernquist, I. 2013. Solving Problems in Social–Ecological Systems: Definition, Practice and Barriers of Transdisciplinary Research. Ambio 42:254-265.
  • Pătru-Stupariu, I., Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Huzui, A., Andersson, K. 2013. Using spatial patterns and forest history to identify potential high conservation value forests in Romania. Biodiversity and Conservation 22 (9): 2023 xx
  • Nordberg, M., Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M., Axelsson, R. 2013. From logging frontier towards sustainable forest management: Experiences from boreal regions of NW Russia and N Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research.
  • Angelstam, P., Andersson, K., Axelsson, R., Elbakidze, M., Jonsson, B.G. & Roberge, J.-M. 2011. Protecting forest areas for biodiversity in Sweden 1991–2010: the policy implementation process and outcomes on the ground. Silva Fennica 45(5): 1111–1133.
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Axelsson, R. 2012. Stakeholder identification and analysis for adaptive governance in the Kovdozersky Model Forest, Russian Federation. The Forestry Chronicle, 88 (3): 298-305.
  • Blicharska, M., Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M., Axelsson,R., Skorupski, M., Węgiel, A. 2012. The Polish Promotional Forest Complexes: objectives, implementation and outcomes towards sustainable forest management?, Forest Policy and Economics 23:28-39.
  • Andersson, K., Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M., Axelsson, R., Degerman, E. 2012. Green infrastructures and intensive forestry: Need and opportunity for spatial planning in a Swedish rural–urban gradient. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 28(2): 143-165.
  • Baumann,M., Kuemmerle,T., Elbakidze, M., Ozdogan, M., Radeloff, V.C., Keuler, N., Prishchepov, A., Kruhlov, I., Hostert, P. 2011. Patterns and drivers of post-socialist farmland abandonment in Western Ukraine. Land Use Policy 2: 552–562
  • Blicharska, M., Angelstam, P., Antonson, H., Elbakidze, M., Axelsson, R. 2011. Road, forestry and regional planners’ work for biodiversity conservation and public participation: a case study in Poland’s hotspots regions. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 54, 1373-1395.
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Andersson, K., Nordberg, M., Pautov, Y. 2011. How does forest certification contribute to boreal biodiversity conservation? Standards and outcomes in Sweden and NW Russia. Forest ecology and management. 262: 1983-1995.
    Axelsson R., Angelstam P., Elbakidze M., Stryamets N., Johansson K-E. 2011. Sustainable development and sustainability: landscape approach as a practical interpretation of principles and implementation concepts. Journal of Landscape Ecology 4 (3): 5-30.
  • Angelstam,P., Axelsson, R., Elbakidze, M., Laestadius, L., Lazdinis, M., Nordberg, M., Patru-Stupariu, I., Smith, M. 2011. Knowledge production and learning for sustainable forest management on the ground: Pan-European landscapes as a time machine. Forestry: An international journal of forest research. 84 (5): 581-596.
  • Stryamets, N., Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P. Role of non-wood forest products for local livelihoods in countries with transition or market economy: case studies in Ukraine and Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research.
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Sandström, C., Axelsson, R. 2010. Multi-stakeholder collaboration in Russian and Swedish Model Forest initiatives: adaptive governance towards sustainable forest management? Ecology and Society, 15 (2).
  • Gurung, B., A., Bokwa, A., Chełmicki, W., Elbakidze, M., Hirschmugl, M., Hostert, P., Ibisch, P., Kozak, J., Kuemmerle, T., Matei, E., Ostapowicz, K., Pociask-Karteczka, J., Schmidt, L., van der Linden, S., and M., Zebisch. 2009. Global Change Research in the Carpathian Mountain Region. Mountain Research and Development 29 (3): 282–288
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P. 2009. Cross-border cooperation along the eastern border of European Union: a review and approach to learning for sustainable landscapes. Central European Journal of Spatial and Landscape Planning 20(1): 33-42
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P. 2007. Implementing sustainable forest management in Ukraine’s Carpathian Mountains: The role of traditional village systems. Forest Ecology and Management 249: 28–38.
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Axelsson, R. 2007. Sustainable forest management as an approach to regional development in the Russian Federation: state and trends in Kovdozersky Model Forest in the Barents region. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 22: 568-581.


Sections in monographs

  • McDermott, C., Elbakidze, M., Teitelbaum,S., Tysiachniouk, M. 2022. Forest certification in boreal forests: current developments and future directions. In: M. M. Girona, H. Morin, S. Gauthier, & Y. Bergeron (Eds.)ю Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change – Sustainable Management. Advances in Global Change Research, 74, Springer-Nature, Cham: Springer. ISBN 978-3-031-15987-9.
  • Abrams, J., Elbakidze, M. 2022. Adaptive governance in forest management. In: J.Sirkku (Ed.) Handbook on Adaptive Governance. Edward Elgar, UK-USA, pp. 144-159.
  • Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M. Human ecological footprints on forests at multiple spatial scales: toward learning for sustainability and integrated landscape management using Europe as a laboratory. In: Hornborg, A., Jorgensen, A.K. (eds). International Trade and Environmental Justice: Toward a Global Political Ecology. Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York. pp. 147-173.
  • Bocharnikov, V., Laletin, A., Angelstam, P., Domashov, I., Elbakidze, M., Kaspruk, O., Sayadyan, H., Solovyi, I., Shukurov, E., Urushadze, T. 2012. Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. In: Parrotta, J. and Trosper, R. (eds.) Traditional forest-related knowledge: sustaining communities, ecosystems and biocultural diversity. Series world forests volume XII, pp. 251-279. Springer, Dordrecht, NL.
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Tikhomirov, V. 2012. Forests and forestry in three eastern European countries. In: Karlsson, I and Rydén, L. (eds.) Rural develoment and land use. The Baltic University Programme, Uppsala University. pp. 177-186.
  • Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M., Axelsson, R., Čupa, P., Halada, L., Molnar, Z., Patru-Stupariu, I., Perzanowski, K., Rozylowicz, L., Standovar, T., Svoboda, M., Törnblom, J. 2013. Maintaining cultural and natural biodiversity in the Carpathian Mountain ecoregion: need for an integrated landscape approach. In: Kozak J., Ostapowicz K., Bytnerowicz A., Wyżga B. (eds.) Integrating nature and society towards sustainability, Springer. pp. 393-424.
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P. 2013. Sustainable forest management from policy to landscape, and back again: a case study in the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains. In: Kozak J., Ostapowicz K., Bytnerowicz A., Wyżga B. (eds.) Integrating nature and society towards sustainability, Springer. pp. 309-329.
  • Keeton, W.S., P.K. Angelstam, M. Baumflek, Y. Bihun, M Chernyavskyy, S. M. Crow, A, Deyneka,Elbakidze, J. Farley, V. Kovalyshyn, B. Mahura, S Myklush, J. R. Nunery, I. Solovity, and L. Zahvoyska. 2013. Sustainable forest management alternatives for the Carpathian Mountain region, with a focus on Ukraine. In: Kozak J., Ostapowicz K., Bytnerowicz A., Wyżga B. (eds.) Integrating nature and society towards sustainability, Springer. pp. 331-352.
  • Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M., Löhmus, A. 2013. Conservation and management of specialised species. Sustaining legacies of natural forests and cultural landscapes. In: Daniel Kraus and Frank Krumm (eds.). Integrative approaches as an opportunity for the conservation of forest biodiversity, European Forest Institute, Freiburg. pp. 124-133.
  • Angelstam, P., Andersson, K.†, Axelsson, R., Degerman, E., Elbakidze, M., Sjölander, P. and Törnblom, J. 2015. Barriers and bridges for Sustainable Forest Management: The role of landscape history in Swedish Bergslagen. In: Kirby, K.J. and Watkins, D. (eds.) Europe’s changing woods and forests: from wildwood to cultural landscapes. CABI, Wallingford, UK, pp. 290-305.
  • Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M. Forest landscape stewardship for functional green infrastructures in Europe’s West and East: diagnosing and treating social-ecological systems. In: Plieninger, T. and Bieling, C. (eds.) The Science and Practice of Landscape Stewardship, in press (due June 2017). Cambridge University Press.
  • Primdahl, J., Kristensen, L., Arler, F., Angelstam, P., Aagaard Christensen, A., Elbakidze, M. Rural landscape governance and expertise in the European Union – landscape democracy processes in practice. In: Egoz, S., Ruggeri, D., Jorgensen, K. Defining landscape democracy: perspectives on spatial justice. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK.
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Dawson, L., Shushkova, A., Naumov, V., Rendenieks, Z., Liepa, L., Trasūne, L., Ustsin, U., Yurhenson, N., Uhlianets, S., Manton, M., Irbe, A., Yermokhin, M., Grebenzshikova, A., Zhivotov, A., Nestsiarenka, M. 2018. Towards Functional Green Infrastructure in the Baltic Sea Region: Knowledge Production and Learning Across Borders. In: Perera A., Peterson U., Pastur G., Iverson L. (eds) Ecosystem Services from Forest Landscapes. Springer, Cham, pp. 57-87.
  • Angelstam P., Elbakidze M., Lawrence A., Manton M., Melecis V., Perera A.H. (2018) Barriers and Bridges for Landscape Stewardship and Knowledge Production to Sustain Functional Green Infrastructures. In: Perera A., Peterson U., Pastur G., Iverson L. (eds). Ecosystem Services from Forest Landscapes. Springer, Cham.
  • Elbakidze, M., Hahn, T., Zimmermann N. E., Cudlín, P., Friberg, N., Genovesi, P., Guarino, R., Helm, A., Jonsson, B., Lengyel, S., Leroy, B., Luzzati, T., Milbau, A., Pérez-Ruzafa, A., Roche, P., Roy, H., Sabyrbekov, R., Vanbergen, A. and Vandvik, V. Chapter 4: Direct and indirect drivers of change in biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people. In IPBES (2018): The IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Europe and Central Asia. Rounsevell, M., Fischer, M., Torre-Marin Rando, A. and Mader, A. (eds.). Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem services, Bonn, Germany.


Publications in foreign magazines

  • Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M. Sustainable forest management in Europe’s East and West: trajectories of development and the role of traditional knowledge. In: Parrotta, J., Agnoletti, M., Johan, E. (Eds.), Cultural heritage and sustainable forest management: the role of traditional knowledge. MCPFE Proceedings, part 2, 353-361.
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, A., 2006. Role of traditional villages for sustainable forest landscapes: a case study in the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains. In: Parrotta, J., Agnoletti, M., Johan, E. (Eds.), Cultural heritage and sustainable forest management: the role of traditional knowledge. MCPFE Proceedings, part 2, 375-384.
  • Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M., Transdisciplinary approach to integrated management of forest landscapes. In: Anon. (Ed.) Landscape study: theory, methods, regional studies, practice. Moscow, Moscow University, 235-238 (In Russian)
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Axelsson, R., Blicharska, M., Mikusiński, G. 2007. W strone zrownowazonych krajobrazow: potrzeba oceny i syntezy doswiadczen wspolpracy transgranicznej na wschodniej granicy Unii Europejskiej. Giordano, C., Legutko-Kobus, P. (eds.) Mozliwosci miedzynarodowej wspolpracy wdziedzinie ochrony srodowiska i wrazania zrownowazonego rozwoju w nowym okresie programowania Unii Europejskiej (2007-2013). Catholic University, Lublin. pp: 77-90 (In Polish)
  • Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M., Axelsson, R., Bulygina, N., Petrov, A., Vukolova, I. 2007. Towards sustainable forest management in NW Russia: supporting policy implementation and product development. Forest Facts 2. Forest Research at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 4 pp. (also available in Russian).
  • Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M., Axelsson, R., Lopatin, E., Sandström, C., Tornblöm, J., Dixelius, M., Gorchakov, V., Kovriga, L. 2007. Learning for sustainable forest management: Europe’s East and West as a landscape laboratory. Forest Facts 1. Forest Research at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 4 pp. (also available in Russian).
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Axelsson, R. 2007. Developing sustainable forest management in North-West Russia: experiences from three implementation projects. Forest Facts 3. Forest Research at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 4 pp. (also available in Russian).
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P. 2008. Model Forest in the North West of the Russian Federation: view from outside. Ustoychivoe lesopolzovanie 1 (17):39-47 (In Russian).
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Axelsson, R., Blicharska, M., Mikusiński, G. 2008. Towards sustainable landscapes: the need for evaluation and syntheses of experiences from transboundary co-operation along EU’s eastern border. In: Giordano, C., Legutko-Kobus, P. (eds.) Possibilities of international cooperation in nature protection and sustainable development in the frame of EU programmes (2007-2013). Catholic University, Lublin.
  • Axelsson, R., Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M. 2008. Landscape approaches to sustainability. In: Frostell, B., Danielsson, Å., Hagberg, L., Linnér, B.-O. & Lisberg Jensen E. (Eds.) science for sustainable development – The social challenge with emphasis on the conditions for change. VHU, Uppsala, 169-177.
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P. 2009. Role of traditional village systems for sustainable forest landscapes: a case study of rural development in the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains. In: Soloviy, I. and W.S. Keeton (eds.). Ecological Economics and Sustainable Forest Management: Developing a Trans-disciplinary Approach for the Carpathian Mountains.Ukrainian National Forestry University Press, Lviv, Ukraine, 301-317.
  • Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M. Traditional knowledge for sustainable management of forest landscapes in Europe’s East and West. In: Soloviy, I. and W.S. Keeton (eds.). Ecological Economics and Sustainable Forest Management: Developing a Trans-disciplinary Approach for the Carpathian Mountains. Ukrainian National Forestry University Press, Lviv, Ukraine, 151-163.
  • Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M., Törnblom, J., Axelsson, R. 2009. Sustainable forest management from policy to practice, and back again: landscapes as laboratories for knowledge production and learning in the Carpathian Mountains. In: Soloviy, I. and W.S. Keeton, editors. Ecological Economics and Sustainable Forest Management: Developing a Trans-disciplinary Approach for the Carpathian Mountains. Ukrainian National Forestry University Press, Lviv, Ukraine, Error! Bookmark not defined.-412.
  • Angelstam, P., Törnblom, J., Elbakidze, M. Balancing production and biodiversity. In: Spidso, T., and Sorensen, O.J., editors. The last large intact forests in Northwest Russia, 115-122
  • Angelstam, P., Axelsson, R., Törnblom, J., Elbakidze, M. Seven steps towards knowledge production and learning for sustainable forest landscape management and good governance. In: Spidso., T., and Sorensen, O.J., editors. The last large intact forests in Northwest Russia, 123 – 136.
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P. 2009. Cross-border cooperation along the eastern border of European Union: a review and approach to learning for sustainable landscapes. Central European Journal of Spatial and Landscape Planning 20(1): 33-42
  • Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M. What is biodiversity? In: Aarnes., E., editor. Barentswatch, 16-17. (In English and Russian)
  • Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M. Conservation biodiversity in Barents region: an act of balance. In: Aarnes., E., editor. Barentswatch, 30-31. (In English and Russian)
  • Angelstam, P., Elbakidze, M. Sustainable forest management requires multi-stakeholder governance and spatial planning: Kovdozersky state forest management unit in northwest Russia. In: Azevedo, J., Feliciano, M., Castro, J., Pinto, M. (editors), Forest landscape and global change: New frontiers in management, restoration and conservation. Proceedings of the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference, September 21-27, 2010, Bragança, Portugal, pp. 539-544.
  • Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Andersson, K., Nordberg, M., Pautov, J. 2010. Does forest certification contribute to boreal biodiversity conservation? Swedish and Russian experiences. In: Azevedo, J., Feliciano, M., Castro, J., Pinto, M. (editors), Forest landscape and global change: New frontiers in management, restoration and conservation. Proceedings of the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference, September 21-27, 2010, Bragança, Portugal, pp. 551-556.
  • Stryamets, N., Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Axelsson, R. 2010. Role of non-wood forest products for sustainable development of rural communities in countries with a transition: Ukraine as a case study. In: Azevedo, J., Feliciano, M., Castro, J., Pinto, M. (editors), Forest landscape and global change: New frontiers in management, restoration and conservation. Proceedings of the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference, September 21-27, 2010, Bragança, Portugal, pp. 597-602.
  • Angelstam, P., Axelsson, R., Elbakidze, M., Nordberg, M. 2011. Integrated land-use planning for conservation and sustainable use of forest landscapes. ICFFI (International Centre of Forestry and Forest Industries) News 1(13):32.
    Elbakidze, M., Angelstam, P., Andersson, K. 2011. What, how much and how? Rates and spatial patterns of timber harvests in boreal forests in Sweden and NW Russia. ICFFI (International Centre of Forestry and Forest Industries) News 1(13): 74-75
  • Angelstam, P., K. Andersson, R. Axelsson, Elbakidze, H. Högberg, M. Nordberg, J. Törnblom. 2010. Skogsbruk och skoglig utbildning: förr, nu och i framtiden. Skogshistoriska sällskapets årsbok, pp. 54-75.


Project manager:

Donor Project name Period
Swedish Ministry of Environment Integrated land-use planning for conservation and sustainable use of forest landscapes in the Barents and Baltic Sea Regions: toward international multi-sector and multi-level collaboration




Swedish Institute Cross-sectoral place-based integrated spatial planning for functional green infrastructures in the Baltic Sea Region 2014-2016
Formas How does forest certification contribute to biodiversity conservation and local/indigenous communities’ wellbeing? Stakeholder negotiations, standards, auditing and consequences on-the-ground 2018 – 2020
 Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development Blue-green infrastructure for social cohesion: urban and peri-urban public places and spaces in the eyes of new-Swedes 2019 – 2023
Swedish Institute Transnational partnership towards academic integration in Europe: Urban blue-green infrastructure in Europe’s East and West (LINC) 2021 – 2022


Participant of projects:

Fund financing

Project name

Swedish Institute Landscape and society – assessing and communicating dimensions of sustainability for adaptive governance 2007– 2009
Wallenberg Foundation Connecting forests, people and markets in Europe’s East and West: adaptive governance and assessment of economy, environment and society at multiple scales and levels 2008 – 2012
Formas Green infrastructures for ecological sustainability and human well-being: a network of forest, rural and urban landscapes as laboratories for integrative research 2012- 2016



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