Soils geography and bases of soils studies (106)

Тип: Нормативний

Кафедра: pedology and soil geography

Навчальний план



СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
232доцент IVANYUK G.GRPH-11s, GrPhE-11s, GrUrb-11с


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
232GRPH-11sдоцент IVANYUK G., доцент NAKONECHNY Y.
GrUrb-11сдоцент BONISHKO O.
GrPhE-11sдоцент NAKONECHNY Y.

Опис курсу

The course “Geography of soils with basics of soil science” is a normative discipline in the cycle of professional and practical training of students majoring in specialty 106 “Geography” of the bachelor’s educational program, which is taught in the 2nd semester in the amount of 4 credits (according to the European Credit Transfer System ECTS). The course covers basic information about the origin, development, structure, composition, chemical and physical properties, protection and rational use of soils, geographical distribution on the globe.

The aim of the course is to reveal the main theoretical and practical issues of soil science, as well as soil geography: the origin of soils, their properties, distribution and ways to increase fertility.
The objectives of the discipline are to characterize the main types of soils and patterns of their geographical distribution on Earth; acquaintance with classification and diagnostic signs and parameters of soils according to the international and domestic classifications; study of the influence of soil formation factors on soil formation; study of the composition and properties of the mineral and organic part of soil; study of fundamental issues of the ecological role of soil in the biosphere; rational use and protection of soils; acquisition of practical skills in conducting analytical research of chemical and physical properties of soils; acquaintance with morphological features of soil; characteristics of soil monoliths.
The course is designed to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge of soil as a major component of the landscape. Soil is considered as a natural-historical formation, as well as the object of labor application and means of production. Students will gain knowledge about the origin, properties, patterns of soil distribution on the Earth. Knowledge of the laws of soil science, zonal and regional features of the composition and structure of soil cover is necessary for the rational use of land resources, protection and preservation of soil fertility. Without taking into account the properties of soils, it is impossible to properly locate and specialize in agricultural, forestry and other sectors of the economy related to the use of land.
The curriculum consists of two content modules: 1) Soil science; 2) Geography of soils.

Рекомендована література

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