Regional physical geography

Тип: Нормативний

Кафедра: geoecology and physical geography

Навчальний план



СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
548доцент Lyudmyla KOSTIVGRPH-31s, GRPH-32s
664доцент Lyudmyla KOSTIVGRPH-31s, GRPH-32s


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
548GRPH-31sдоцент Buryanyk Olesya
GRPH-32sдоцент Buryanyk Olesya
GRPH-32sдоцент Buryanyk Olesya

Опис курсу

“Regional Physical Geography” is a normative discipline for students majoring in 106 “Geography”, an educational program for Bachelors, which is taught in 6 and 7 semesters in the amount of 8 credits (according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System – ECTS).

The aim of the course is to form a system of knowledge about the nature of continents and oceans and their regions.
In the process of studying the course, students find out the criteria of physical and geographical differentiation of continents, identify the main properties that determine the natural unity and diversity of regions; get acquainted with the main features of tectonics, geology, climate, inland waters, soil cover, vegetation, natural areas of continents and oceans; identify the environmental problems of the regions and find out their causes.
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to independently explore the natural and geographical conditions of certain regions of the continents; identify similar and distinctive features of their nature; explain the reasons for territorial differences in the distribution of properties of components and elements; to reveal the connections between the components of the geographical membrane within the continents and physical-geographical regions, to make scientifically sound conclusions, to interpret the results of research and apply them in practice.

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