Geography of Lviv
Тип: Нормативний
Кафедра: geography of ukraine
Навчальний план
Семестр | Кредити | Звітність |
4 | 4 | Залік |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Лектор | Група(и) |
4 | 32 | доцент SKLIARSKA O. | GEd-21s, GEd-22s |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Група | Викладач(і) |
4 | 32 | GEd-21s | доцент SKLIARSKA O. |
GEd-22s | доцент SKLIARSKA O. |
Опис курсу
“Geography of Lviv with the basics of excursion business” is an elective discipline in the specialty 106 Geography for the educational program for Bachelor’s degree, which is taught in the 4th semester in the amount of 4 credits (according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System ECTS).
The aim of the course “Geography of Lviv with the basics of excursion business” is to master students’ knowledge of urban geography, tracing the geographical patterns of development of the city of Lviv as socio-economic and socio-natural phenomenon; formation of students’ professional knowledge and practical skills that will allow them to independently organize and plan excursion activities, develop and conduct excursions.
Upon completion of the course, the applicant will know the methods of socio-geographical research of cities; historical and geographical features of development and formation of the city of Lviv, resource potential of the city; problems of socio-economic and cultural-educational development, directions of territorial development of the city; methods of preparation of excursions and its methodological support; technique of conducting excursions.
Рекомендована література