Oresta Bordun
Position: Associate Professor, Tourism Department
Academic degree: Candidate of Geographical Sciences
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Phone (office): 380-32 239-46-03
Email: oresta.bordun@lnu.edu.ua
Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com.ua
ORCID profile: orcid.org
Scopus profile: www.scopus.com
Web of Science (Publons) profile: publons.com
Facebook profile: www.facebook.com
Research interests
- Tourism business planning;
- marketing;
- business etiquette in tourism business;
- geography of international tourism;
- Medical @ Health Tourism.
Articles and conference materials
- Štraupaitė S., Bordun O., Shevchuk V. PROENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIOR AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: EVIDENCES FROM LITHUANIA AND UKRAINE STUDENTS’ SURVEY. Geography, economy and tourism: national and international experience: proceedings of the XVII international scientific conference. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2023. – P. 379-382.
- Nikitsin V., Bordun O., Hrytsyshyn A. Possibilities of joint educational program in the field of medical, wellness and SPA tourism. Geography, economy and tourism: national and international experience: proceedings of the XVII international scientific conference. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2023. – P. 288-291.
- Bordun O. Universities as the sustainability centers: evidences from the students’ survey / Bordun O., Antonyak H., Dumych O., Hrytsyshyn A., Bilous S. // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Economics, 2023. Issue 63. P. 221–242
- Oresta Bordun, Mariya Kozolup. Using cognitive mapping method to track down tourism students’ spatial orientation regarding tourist attractions in the city of Lviv (Ukraine) Studies of the industrial geography commission of the polish geographical society (Prace komisji geografii przemysłu polskiego towarzystwa geograficznego), 36(1), 138-154 (Web of Science Core Collection Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
- Oresta Bordun, Vira Shevchuk, Volodymyr Monastyrskyi, Luchka Olga Losses and rescue areas of tourism business under the war in Ukraine Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Economics. 2022. Issue 62. P. 178–196
- Bordun O., AltgaimL. A wooden tourist stamp as innovative souvenir in tourist activity of UkraineFolia Turistica, 2020 #55:117-138 Режим доступу: http://www.folia-turistica.pl/attachments/article/402/FT_55_2020.pdf
- Bordun O., Romaniv P., Monasryrskyy W. Tourism geography: functional structure and role in tourismology Journ. Geol. Geograph. Geoecology, 2020, 29 (2), 233–242. Режим доступу: https://geology-dnu.dp.ua/index.php/GG/issue/view/32
- Bordun O., Khaulyak Y. Implementation of cross-border cooperation program Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014–2020 in tourism development of L’viv oblast. Ukraine-European Union: From Partnership Towards Association. The Ukrainian Yearbook of the European Integration Studies. II. Lutsk, Teren, 2019. P. 57–66.
- Bordun O, Kovalchuk A. Sanctuaries in Lviv archdiocese: current state and development prospects. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society. Gdansk, 2018. 8(4). S. 54–61.
- Bordun O, Kozolup М. Sustainability Issues and Indicators of L’viv Destination Urban Tourism Development. The Conference “Current Challenges of Local and Regional Development”. Poznan, 2018. P. 14–16.
- Bordun O., Kozolup М. SWOT Analysis of Lviv Tourist Destination and Key Indicators of its Sustainability. Studia Periegetica. 2018. Nr 4(24).
- Bordun O., Monastyrskyy V. Zagadnienia religijne і narodowosciowe we wspolczesnych badaniach polskich, slowackich I ukrainskich na terenie Euroregionu Karpackiego: Aspekt historyczny, prawny, socjologiczny, filozoficzny i etyczny / pod red. Krzysztofa Rejmana, Waclawa Wierzbienca, Jaroslaw, 2017. Czesc II. C. 497–511.
- Bordun O., Mroz F. Droga św. Jakuba na Pograniczu Polsko-Ukraińskim i jej znaczenie w rozwoju pielgrzymek transgranicznych i w budowaniu przyjaznych stosunków między narodami. Droga do Composteli – przeszlosc i terazniejszosc. Krakow : W-ctwo “Czuwajmy”. S. 265–276.
- Mroz F., Bordun O. The Origin and Functioning of the Lviv Way of St. James Via Regia and Its Importance in the Development of Pilgrimages and Religious Tourism at the Polish-Ukrainian Border Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica. – Kraków, 2017. – С. 120–138.
- Bordun O, Rozhak V. Ukrainian Way of St. James Via Regia in the contest of sustainable development / Bordun O, Rozhak V. // BUP Teachers Conference “Sustainable Tourism for Development”, 2017, Zhovkva, p.8-11.
- Bordun O., Altgaim L. Flows in Ternopil Region: current state and development prospects. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society. Gdansk, 2017. 7(3). S. 57–63.
- Bordun O. Analysis of International Tourist Flows Between Ukraine and Slovakia. Geografické informácie. Nitra : Vydavateľ: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre. Ročník 19, Číslo 1 (2015). ISSN: 1337-9453, 2015. S. 22–31.
- Bordun O., Holub J. Kult świętego Jakuba Apostoła we Lwowie – stan badań i prace nad przedłużeniem Drogi św. Jakuba Via Regia na Ukrainie. Droga sw.Jakuba w Polsce – Historia, terazniejszosc, przeszlosc. W 10. Rocznice otwarcia pierwszego polskiego odcinka Camino de Santiago, Kraków, W-ctwo “Czuwajmy”. 2015. P. 385–407.
- Bordun O. Program wytyczenia ukrainskiego odcinka europejsiego, pielgrzymkowego Szlaku sw. Jakuba ze Lwowa. Sweci I blogoslawieni na drodze sw. Jakuba – w 800. Franciszka z Asyzu do Santiago de Compostela/ pod redakcja: Antoniego Jackowskiego. Krakow : W-ctwo “Czuwajmy”, 2014. S. 265–276.
- Bordun O. Komar R. Current state and prospects of dark tourism flows organization in Ukraine. Current Issues of Tourism Research / Red. P. Cuka. London : Vol. 4 (№ 2). 2014. P. 3–8.
- Bordun O., Komar R. The Development of Ecotourism in Roztotchia / О. Bordun. Turystyka w Euroregionie Karpackim. Perspektywy rozwoju. Konferencja naukowa. Rzeszow. Polska. 2007. С. 11–18.
Socio-economic geographer born in 1974 in Lviv. In 1996 she graduated from Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Geography. Her major field of studies is political geography. From August 1997 to September 2003 she worked as Laborant of Roztochian landscape-geophysical permanent establishment of the of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. In 2003 she her PhD in economic and social geography (DK № 019941), based on a thesis entitled “Transport Infrastructure of Western Ukrainian borderline: economic-geographical research”.
After that she has worked as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Tourism of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. In 2006 he received the title of Docent. Currently, her research is concerned with The Way of St. James Via Regia in Ukraine. For this project she analyzed foreign researches on tourism and shares personal experience with foreign colleagues during conferences, which resulted in more than 10 publications. In November of 2015 she participated in an academic internship at Institut für Stadt und Regionalforschung Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. She covered some segment of Jacobsweg Via Regia near Vienna and explored the road and met with manager of Tourist Information Center in Vienna and became familiar with work of this organization.
In 2016 she was a coordinator of three pilgrimage tours with Polish pilgrimage organizations on The Lviv Way of St. James Via Regia in Ukraine.
Nowadays is a coordinator of the Information Point of St. Jacob’s Way, which is functioning at the Department of Tourism. Our Faculty of Geography was included into the Network of European Institutions supporting Camino de Santiago through the St. Jacob Academic Accreditation Program “Campus Stellae”
In November of 2017 participated at Erasmus+ programme in Warsaw University, Poland, in April 2018 carried out teaching mobility at the University of Turku, Finland. In October 2018 had a scientific internship at Minho University, Portugal.
She is interested in cultural and regional studies, photography and sports.
- involved together with Associate Professor Anna Hrytsyshyn in the project Internationalisierung in International Tourism Management” within the framework of the DAAD-project № 57602998 “Health tour” в Technische hochschule Deggendorf https://www.th-deg.de/en/
research/projects (2022-2025) - involved in the implementation of the international Project DAAD DIES German Ukrainian Technology Transfer University.
- Scholarship 03-09 June in Jagiellonian University Faculty of Geography and Geology Institute of Geography and spatial management.
- Oresta Bordun has completed the three core modules of the course Entrepreneurship: Turning ideas into business, along with the Optional Modules «Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Healthcare»; as part of the HEI Innovation for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship Project (HIVE), with a total of 90 hours.
- Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, has completed the course Entrepreneurship: Turning ideas into business, as part of the HEI Innovation for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship Project (HIVE), 2024
- Lithuania Business College, Erasmus+ Staff Teaching Mobility, 2023
- Uppsala University, Erasmus+, 2023
- Ivan Franko Lviv National University, SoftServe company, Lviv Business School of UCU, School of Leadership. University Management 2.0, 2022
- Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany, has participated in Summer School Health Tourism 2022
- Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, German Ukrainian Technology Transfer University Spring School (GUTT.USS), from May 25, 2022 to June 25, 2022
- Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, “English-language Academic Communication”, 2022
- Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, German Ukrainian Technology Transfer Internships University Program (GUTT.INUP), October-December 2021
- Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg: DAAD DIES Webinar Series “Creating impact with science marketing”, 2020
- DAAD, Workshop “Innovative University: Technology Transfer across Boundaries”, 2019
- University of Minho, performed a teaching assigment under Erasmus+ programme (15/10/2018 – 19/10/2018)
- University of Turku, Teacher Staff Training exchange within Erasmus+ Credit Mobility Programme (11/04/2018 – 19/04/2018)
Teaching materials
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