Yuliya Dorosh
Посада: Асистент, Hotel and Restaurant Business and Food Technologies Department
Електронна пошта: Yulia.Dorosh@lnu.edu.ua
Профіль у Google Scholar: scholar.google.com.ua
Профіль у Facebook: www.facebook.com
Наукові інтереси
- sanatorium and resort activity;
- specialized types of tourism;
- innovations in hospitality;
- sphere of hospitality.
- Kushniruk Halyna, Dorosh Yulia. Modern trends and strategies for the hospitality industry recovery after COVID-19 and quarantine restrictions: monograph / Gorina Ganna, Bohatyryova Galina, Dorosh Yulia, Kushniruk Halyna and other; of science ed. H.O. Horina Kryvyi Rih: Ed. DonNUET, 2023. 143 p. (Chapter 3. Hotel brands: positioning trends in the Ukrainian hospitality market after the COVID-19 pandemic, pp. 56-86) URL: http://elibrary.donnuet.edu.ua/2746/
Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism graduate (2015), speciality – tourism.
Head of the Laboratory of Innovative Technologies in Tourism of the Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism (2014-2021); part-time lecturer of the Department of Tourism and Hotel Business of Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism, 2015-2021).
Since 01.04.2021 lecturer of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant business and Food Technologies and specialist of the department for work with Unified State Electronic Database on Education (USEDE) (part-time) of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Author of more than 30 scientific, educational and methodical works.
- Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, for participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference Dedicated to the 140th Anniversary of Geography at Lviv University GEOGRAPHICAL EDUCATION AND SCIENCE: CHALLENGES AND ADVANCEMENT, 2023
- for successful participation in the series of educational webinars on scientometrics for professional development, “International experience in the field of publishing. Successful publications in Scopus and Web of Science”, 2022
Методичні матеріали
- Kushniruk Halyna, Dorosh Yulia. Modern trends and strategies for the hospitality industry recovery after COVID-19 and quarantine restrictions: monograph / Gorina Ganna, Bohatyryova Galina, Dorosh Yulia, Kushniruk Halyna and other; of science ed. H.O. Horina Kryvyi Rih: Ed. DonNUET, 2023. 143 p. (Chapter 3. Hotel brands: positioning trends in the Ukrainian hospitality market after the COVID-19 pandemic, pp. 56-86) URL: http://elibrary.donnuet.edu.ua/2746/
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