Myroslav Dnistrianskyi
Посада: Професор, Geography of Ukraine Department
Науковий ступінь: доктор географічних наук
Вчене звання: професор
Телефон (робочий): 380-32-239-47-69
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Наукові інтереси
- Theory and methodology of geography as a science;
- Political geography and geopolitics;
- Ethnic geography and historical geography;
- Demographic geography and geography of settlements;
- Economic geography and geo-economics.
- Dnistrianskyi M., Kopachinska G., Dnistrianska N. Modern conflicts regarding the political status of territories: typological differences, features of spread and prospects for resolution // Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 2022. №57. PP. 113–123. DOI 10.12775/bgss-2022-0026.
- Dnistrianskyi M., Molnár J., Chaika I. Natural reduction of Ukraine’s population: Regional dimensions of the national threat // Hungarian Geographical Bulletin. 2021. № 70(4). P. 293–310.
Geographer, Ph.D. in Geography (Political and Administrative System of Ukraine (geographical problems of formation and improvement), 1995), Assoc. Prof. (1997), Dr. in Geography (Ethnopolitical Geography of Ukraine: Problems of Theory, Methodology, Practice, 2006), Professor (2008).
The Faculty of Geography of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv graduate (1989). In 1989-90 a teacher; 1990-96 an assistant, 1996-2006 Assoc. Prof., a Professor of the Department of Geography of Ukraine of the University since 2006.
Scientific interests: political geography, historical geography, and ethnic geography, geopolitics; he developed theoretical, methodological, and methodological foundations for the study of administrative-territorial organization, formation and functioning of state borders, revealed the patterns of their impact on the socio-geographical environment, substantiated the principles of constructive balanced geopolitics, developed methods of interrelated study of ethno geographical and territorial-political relations, which was the basis for his investigation of the nature of ethnopolitical relations on the territory of Ukraine, also substantiated the conceptual principles of a new direction of social geography – ethnopolitical geography.
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