Department of Geomorphology and Paleogeography will сelebrete 70 years since foundation
Our dear graduates!
Write your name in the history of the department!
To the 70th anniversary of the Department of Geomorphology and Paleogeography, we want to find graduates of different years. Please fill out a short graduate questionnaire (be sure to provide your email address). We also plan to organize a meeting of graduates (pre-November 24-25, 2020, time will be announced additionally). We will be glad to see you again (probably online) and congratulate you at your home department! We will also gratefully accept the photos and memories you sent from your student years. They can be sent in the questionnaire or separately to the e-mail address of Nazar Rybak:
Sincerely, the staff of the Department of Geomorphology and Paleogeography.…/1FAIpQLSfVCnlCrLBgQm3-Ae…/viewform