Adaptive Landscape Management for New World (Dis-)Order

Scientific conference

September 25 – 28, 2024

Lviv – Vorokhta

PDF version can be downloaded here

On September 25– 28, 2024, the Department of Geoecology and Physical Geography of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv will hold an international conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of its foundation. The theme of the conference is related to (but not limited to) interdisciplinary landscape studies, which are the leading specialization of the department.

The conference will take place here in Ukraine under rather uncertain conditions of resistance to the Russian invasion. However, it is not only our country, but the whole world is in the state of transformation and uncertainty owing to the war in the East of Europe as well as other regional and global challenges of societal and ecological nature. Therefore, we will focus on the issues of adaptive landscape management as a socio-ecological system under transformations caused by armed conflicts, geopolitical polarization, climate change, population migration, etc. In addition, we will be happy to discuss other relevant basic and applied geographic and environmental issues.


Scientific presentations on:

  • Management of the landscape as a socio-ecological system
  • Other interdisciplinary landscape studies
  • Disciplinary landscape studies

 Workshop on initiation of joint international research projects.

Venues and participation modes

The conference will have two components:

  1. Sessions in a hybrid format (in-person and remote) at the premises of Lviv University in the downtown during the first day (Sep. 25, 2024). Location can be viewed here.
  2. Field session at the Chornohora Geographic Station during the next days (Sep. 26-28, 2024; Departure on Sep. 28). Location can be viewed here. Can be attended in person only.

One can participate with or without a scientific presentation.

Conference programme

The detailed programme of the conference will be announced on September 19, 2024 – after completion of registration and acceptance of the abstracts.

Conference fee

Participation in the sessions during the first day (Sep. 25) is free.

The cost of travel and stay at the Chornohora Geographic Station (Sep. 26-28) will be announced later – we work to make the price/quality ratio of this event most reasonable.


Complete the online registration form till September 12, 2024, please.

Conference publications

If you wish to make a presentation, please prepare the abstract (up to 4-6 pages) according to the layout and send it to until September 12, 2024.

The Organizers will include the abstract into the conference book of abstracts and will publish it in PDF format on the conference web-page before the beginning.

Those participants, who present their material at the conference will also have a possibility to publish it as a paper in the thematic issue of “Visnyk of Lviv University. Geography Series”, Vol. 58, which will be released before the end of 2024. Author guidelines for “Visnyk” can be found here:

Important dates

September 12, 2024 – deadline for registration and abstract submission

September 19, 2024 – announcement of the final conference programme.

Registration form

Layout for the conference abstract

E-mail for the submission of the abstract:

We invite you cordially to participate in our conference!

Team of the Department of Geoecology and Physical Geography at Lviv University

PDF version can be downloaded here