Медичний, СПА та Велнес туризм (242 М)

Тип: Нормативний

Кафедра: туризму

Навчальний план



СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
1016доцент Бордун О. Ю.ГрТМ-11с


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
1016ГрТМ-11сдоцент Бордун О. Ю.

Опис курсу

The study of the educational discipline “Medical, SPA @ Wellness tourism” is an important component of modern Tourism activity, which is associated with changes in the trends of tourism from leisure tourism to health tourism. The need for this discipline is to train tourism specialists who know how to give services in health tourism. Therefore, the course is presented as an overview of definitions in medical, SPA and wellness tourism, as well as processes and tools needed for quality organization of medical and health care services for tourists.
Knowledge of the academic discipline is necessary for future specialists in “Tourism @ recreation” in order to objectively understand needs and demands of new tourists in medical, SPA @ Wellness services.

The purpose of the course is relevant to new trends of tourist services: to provide not only a tourist’s rest, but also an opportunity to improve his well-being.
Integral competence:
The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of public management and administration or in the learning process, which involves the application of theories and scientific methods and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions.
The objectives of the course – to form general and professional competences:
GC2. Ability to conduct professional activities in the international and domestic environment.
GC3. Ability to communicate in a foreign language.
PC1. The ability to apply in professional activity the categorical and terminological apparatus, concepts, methods and tools of the system of sciences that form the scientific basis of tourism and recreation.
PC.4. The ability to organize activities and cooperation of subjects of regional, national and international tourism markets on the basis of sustainable
development, taking into account world experience.
PC.9. Ability to organize activities in the field of health tourism
Program results
PR.5. To carry out a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the functioning of the tourist market at different hierarchical levels, to forecast trends in its development.
PR7 Organize cooperation with stakeholders, form mechanisms for interaction between tourism market players, taking into account aspects of social and ethical responsibility.
PR11 Communicate freely in national and foreign languages orally and in writing to discuss professional problems, present the results of research and projects in the field of tourism and recreation.
PR 14. Organize activities in the field of health tourism.

Рекомендована література

Basic literature:

  • About resorts: Ukrainian law [Про курорти: Закон України від 05.10.2000 № 2026-III (Редакція станом на 16.10.2020)] URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2026-14#Text
  • Bordun O., Hrytsyshyn А. Health tourism trends: expectations and motives of generation Z based on Ukrainian students’ survey Вісник Львівського університету. Серія економічна. 2024. Випуск 66, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/ves.2024.66.0.6605 (Index Copernicus)
  • Malska M., Bordun O., Antonyuk N. Health tourism (international and national aspects) [Медичний і оздоровчий туризм (міжнародні та національні аспекти)] Навч.посіб. Київ: в-цтво Каравелла, 2022, 234 с.
  • Malska M., Bordun O. Medical tourism: theory and practice [Медичний туризм: теорія та практика]. Посібник – Київ: ЦНЛ, 2018.– 126 с.
  • Bordun O., Malska M. Geo-Social and Economic analysis of medical tourism in L’viv city (theory and methods of implementation) [Гео-соціо-економічна характеристика медичного туризму міста Львова (Теорія та методика впровадження)] Рига: «LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing», 2018. – 102 с.
  • DeMicco F., Weis S. eds. (2017). Medical tourism and wellness : hospitality bridging healthcare (H2H). Boca Raton. Apple Academic Press Inc., 340 р.
  • Harcup, J., Harrington, J., Crebbin-Bailey, J. (2011). The Spa book : the official guide to spa therapy. London. Cengage Learning, 262 р
  • Peris-Ortiz M., Álvarez-García J. eds. (2015). Health and Wellness Tourism: Emergence of a New Market Segment. Springer International Publishing, 183 р.
  • Edlin G., Golanty E. (2018). Health and Wellness. London. Routledge, 815 р.
  • Wonder water. The value of water. EuroGeoServey. 137 p.
  • Additional literature:
  • Bordun O., Hamkalo M. Increasing of competitiveness in the grand-resort Truskavets by the provision of innovative spa-services [Підвищення конкурентоспроможності курортополісу Трускавець шляхом надання інноваційних spa-послуг]. Актуальные проблемы экономики в условиях реформирования современного общества: материалы III междунар. науч.-практ. конф. – Белгород: ИД «Белгород» НИУ «БелГУ», 2015. – Ч. 2. – С.257-260.
  • Bordun O. Medical tourism in L’viv city: economic and social prospects for development [Медичний туризм міста Львова: соціально-економічні можливості для розвитку]. Наука і економіка. Хмельницький, 2016. Is. 1(41). С. 78–86.
  • Hoeger, W., Hoeger, S. (2019). Fitness and wellness. 13th ed. Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 336 р
  • DeMicco F. (2017). New Innovations in Medical Tourism and Wellness in Europe. In DeMicco F., Weis S. eds. (2017). Medical tourism and wellness : hospitality bridging healthcare (H2H). Boca Raton. Apple Academic Press Inc.
  • Wellness TourismWorldwide (WTW). URL: http://www.wellnesstourismworldwide.com
  • ESPA URL: https://europeanspas.eu
  • Global Wellness Institute. Wellness Tourism Initiative URL: https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/initiatives/wellness-tourism/
  • Wellness Tourism Association URL: https://www.wellnesstourismassociation.org
  • Morshyn kurort URL: https://morshynkurort.net/ua/treatment/min-voda
  • ISO standard 17679 (2016 E) Tourism and related services – Wellness spa – Service requirements
  • Thermegroup URL: https://www.thermegroup.com/

Силабус: Медичний, СПА та Велнес туризм (анг.). 2024-2025 н.р.

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