News archive for 2020 year

Collective monographic work “National Security of Ukraine in the Challenges of Modern History” was awarded a diploma of the National Academy of Higher Education Sciences of Ukraine for first place in the nomination “Monographs”

30.12.2020 | 13:08

Congratulations to the authors Volodymyr Bilanyuk, Yevhen Ivanov, Stepan Pozniak and Yevhen Tykhanovych, we wish them inspiration and creative inspiration
We thank the scientific editor of the monograph Volodymyr Stetsiuk and Academician-Secretary of the Department of Earth Sciences Ivan Kovalchuk.

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Word Soil Day

04.12.2020 | 09:50

The Department of Pedology and Soil Geography congratulates on the World Soil Day!

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Department of Tourism at the conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Department of Geomorphology and Paleogeography

01.12.2020 | 20:13

On November 26-27, 2020, a conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Department of Geomorphology and Paleogeography was held in the Laboratory of Hotel and Restaurant Business. Welcoming remarks were made by the Dean of the Faculty of Geography V. Bilaniuk, Head of the Department of Tourism M. Malska, Head. kaf. of constructive geography E. Ivanov, head kaf. geography of soils S. Pozniak. Zinko Yurii also spoke on behalf of the Department of Tourism. The online meeting is attended...

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Online classes with presentation of business plans for the tourism industry

25.11.2020 | 17:27

On November 24, 2020, Olga Bilaniuk, a lecturer at the Department of Tourism, conducted an extended online lesson on the subject «Business Economics». 4th year students majoring in «Tourism» and «Hotel and Restaurant Business» within the educational program of the subject presented business plans of their future companies (travel agencies, tour operators, restaurants, cafes, hotels and hostels). Students described the applied aspects of business planning for the creation and development of the enterprise.
The business plan covers almost all functional areas...

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Online meeting of students of the Department of Tourism with the head of the PR-department of the Holding of emotions «! FEST»

25.11.2020 | 17:12

Education is the acquisition of useful and relevant knowledge, the formation of new skills, the development of the student’s personality, stimulation and motivation for further career development.
On November 20, 2020, on the initiative of the teacher of the Department of Tourism Bilaniuk Olga Petrovna, an on-line meeting of students of the Department of Tourism of the Faculty of Geography (Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business) of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv with the head of the PR department of...

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