News of Department of Pedology and Soil geography

Soil science in the 21st century: modern challenges and development strategy. 21st-23rd, 2023

21.09.2023 | 09:20

We would like to invite you to attend the International Scientific Conference “Soil science in the 21st century: modern challenges and development strategy”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Department of Soil Science and Soil Geography of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, which will take place on September 21st-23rd, 2023 in a mixed (offline/online) format.
Working languages of the conference: Ukrainian, English, Polish.
Topics of the conference:

Genesis, geography and classification of soils;
Applied soil science and soil protection;
Land use in...

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The plan for the implementation of international environmental projects was presented by Prof. Department of Pedology and Soil Geography Taras Yamelynets

11.01.2023 | 18:25

On January 10, 2023, a meeting of the management team and members of the international environmental organization WWF-Ukraine was held at the Department of Pedology and Soil Geography.
Member of the organization, Professor of the Department of Pedology and Soil Geography, Taras Yamelynets, presented a plan for the implementation of two international environmental projects with the support of the European Union’s HORIZON and Interreg LIFE programs.
The partners agreed implementation dates and main activities of the projects during 2023.

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Participation of teachers of the Department of Pedology and Soil Geography in the webinar “Successful Accreditation Of The Educational Program: Current Problems And Solutions”

03.01.2023 | 12:12

On December 6, 2022, the head of the Department of Pedology and Soil Geography, Zinovii Pankiv, Professor Andrew Kyrylchuk, and Associate Professors Oksana Bonishko andAlex Telehuz took part in the webinar “Successful Accreditation of the Educational Program: Current Problems and Solutions”.

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Lecture for students of Educational Program “Soil Science and Expert Evaluation of Lands”

28.12.2022 | 18:30

On December 28, 2022, at the Department of Pedology and Soil Geography, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Head of the Department of Geography of Ukraine, Soil Science and Land Cadastre of I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University, Andriy Buyanovsky gave a lecture “Initial Soils of Ukraine” for students of the Educational Program “Soil Science and Expert Evaluation of Lands”.

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