News archive for february 2020 year

Winter school of active tourism

14.02.2020 | 16:24

Participants of the student scientific circle “Active tourism” conducted field research within the Zaprutsky Gorgany, during February 7-10, 2020.
The state of marking of tourist routes is investigated, highland dwelling structures have been identified used for travel groups. Gained experience in: moving in deep snow, orientation on the terrain, organization of food and everyday life at negative temperatures, etc. The data obtained will be used when writing coursework and master’s theses. In the field research participated students of the Department of Tourism: Pokrovska Yu., Olshanets’kyi I....

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Lecturers of the Department of Tourism participated in the discussion of training prospects for the tourism industry in Lviv region

05.02.2020 | 11:38

On December 31, 2020, a meeting of the Lviv Tourism Alliance was held with representatives of educational institutions that train staff for the tourism industry and the hospitality industry. Associate professors of the Department of Tourism of the Faculty of Geography of the Lviv National University named after I. Franko Bordun O. Yu. and Klapchuk M.V. Possible ways of cooperation were discussed to improve the quality of services provided to tourists in Lviv and the region as a whole. In...

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Congratulations from the teaching staff of the Department of Tourism on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of the Department’s foundation

04.02.2020 | 10:42

Dear friends and colleagues!
January 31, 2020, Department of Tourism, Faculty of Geography, Lviv National
Ivan Franko University is 17 years old! 17 years in the context of the team is the summation of many years of achievements and reflection on their future path. During this time our teachers, students, alumni have passed the time of formation, development, new experience and generation of new projects, collaboration, creative meetings, scientific works. And many of them have become experienced entrepreneurs, professional scientists...

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Professor of Tourism Department will moderate the discussion panel of the 13th Europe-Ukraine Forum

04.02.2020 | 10:36

Professor Malska Marta Pylypivna will be the moderator and guest of honor of the panel discussion “How to encourage visitors? Tourism as an Important Tool for Economic Development (“How to Encourage Visitors? Tourism as an Important Tool for Economic Development”), to be held at the 13th Europe-Ukraine Forum on February 4-5 in Rzeszow (Poland). The Europe-Ukraine Forum is an annual international event bringing together leading economists, scientists, entrepreneurs, government officials, journalists, sociologists and other professionals to discuss new realities of...

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